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How do I create a Smart List?

Start by performing a search with your desired criteria:

  1. Navigate to the Search screen by tapping its icon in the upper left.
  2. Enter a word (or multiple words) that appears in the name of the task you want to locate. (You can also use advanced search operators.)
  3. Tap Search to see the results.

Once you've tested the search and are happy with the criteria, you're ready to create the Smart List.

  1. On the search results screen, tap the Title Bar at the top of the screen and then tap Save Smart List.
  2. Tap the List Name field and enter the name.
  3. Tap the Sort Order field and change the sort order, if desired.
  4. Tap Save.

Your Smart List has now been created; you can access it under the Smart Lists section in the left menu.

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