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Ability to 'email this list' to an external email address

houweb says:
i know this has been raised before, and i understand it's not possible at the moment. i would find it really useful to be able to email my lists from within rtm to an external email address - i'm after something as simple as the print view, in plain text. just like backpack has an 'email this page' option. is there any plan to add this function?
Posted at 9:18am on May 17, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
houweb, thanks for your feedback! It's on our (rather long) to-do list :)
Posted 17 years ago
bwente says:
How long are your lists? More than ten items? Just curious, I tend to have lots of little lists.
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Bwente, as an exmaple to reply to your question, I keep all of my tasks in one list, which I then chop up via tags and smart lists. At the moment, that means I have 209 open tasks and over 700 completed items, along with over 1,500 that are archived. Some of my views show 1-6 things, and others are over 40.

As far as emailing, I simply generate a print view and copy and paste that into an email - it works pretty well, although it could look better and be more automated.
Posted 17 years ago
houweb says:
i also have long lists, and one or two short ones. your suggestion for working from a print view is handy - thanks, ranbarton. until something better comes along, this'll suit me well.
Posted 17 years ago
rdsalemi says:
Sign me up for this feature as well. It would work great with my blackberry
Posted 17 years ago
ian.humph says:
could we have emailed lists on a daily, weekly basis please.
Posted 17 years ago
sm2n says:
I'm with Ian Humph. Auto email daily please.
Posted 13 years ago
positivesigns says:
Any news on email list this would be very handy. I would like to me tasks to me sales force. Seems a lot more would like this perhaps it should move up your list R TM
Posted 10 years ago
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