Ability to 'email this list' to an external email address
houweb says:
i know this has been raised before, and i understand it's not possible at the moment. i would find it really useful to be able to email my lists from within rtm to an external email address - i'm after something as simple as the print view, in plain text. just like backpack has an 'email this page' option. is there any plan to add this function?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
houweb, thanks for your feedback! It's on our (rather long) to-do list :)
bwente says:
How long are your lists? More than ten items? Just curious, I tend to have lots of little lists.
Bwente, as an exmaple to reply to your question, I keep all of my tasks in one list, which I then chop up via tags and smart lists. At the moment, that means I have 209 open tasks and over 700 completed items, along with over 1,500 that are archived. Some of my views show 1-6 things, and others are over 40.
As far as emailing, I simply generate a print view and copy and paste that into an email - it works pretty well, although it could look better and be more automated.
As far as emailing, I simply generate a print view and copy and paste that into an email - it works pretty well, although it could look better and be more automated.
houweb says:
i also have long lists, and one or two short ones. your suggestion for working from a print view is handy - thanks, ranbarton. until something better comes along, this'll suit me well.
rdsalemi says:
Sign me up for this feature as well. It would work great with my blackberry
ian.humph says:
could we have emailed lists on a daily, weekly basis please.
sm2n says:
I'm with Ian Humph. Auto email daily please.
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