Ideas Forum

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Show where you are in the list (e.g. 'Displaying tasks 11-20 of 80')

Started by rob.davis Mobile version1 comment

Allow others to contribute to public lists

Started by (closed account) Web app0 comments

Integration with other tagging web applications (, Flickr, YouTube)

Started by rob.davis New integrations0 comments

Import tasks in iCalendar format

Started by revox Web app3 comments

Add tasks by phone call

Started by tobiaspj New integrations2 comments

Sync with locations saved in 'My Maps' for Google Maps

Started by bjhexom New integrations4 comments

Search for due dates in the past (e.g. due in the last week)

Started by honel Web app33 comments

Tag Cloud for RTM netvibes Module

Started by grav3k33p3r netvibes0 comments

Support '+', '++', '+++', etc for due dates, meaning 'in N days' where N is the number of plus signs

Started by matthieu.baudoux Web app4 comments

In the advanced search form, allow the selection of multiple lists in the 'Search' dropdown

Started by stjones Web app0 comments

Print the Weekly Planner for a specific list

Started by vidal Web app8 comments

Variables for repeating tasks (e.g. task name 'pay bills for $month', where $month is the actual month name)

Started by stokes Web app7 comments

Yahoo! widget

Started by jonkopp New integrations7 comments

Add location field

Started by flipstu Bookmarklet0 comments

Ability to duplicate a list

Started by mijalis Web app3 comments

Interpret apostrophes as minutes in the time estimate field (e.g. 15' for fifteen minutes)

Started by jeffrey.haemer Web app0 comments

Return to the task list after completing a task

Started by hmiyaza1 Mobile version6 comments

Custom due dates (e.g. 'end of day', 'tonight', etc would be times set by the user according to what those phrases mean to them)

Started by c0debabe Web app2 comments

Netvibe Module - Choose what to display

Started by microugly netvibes0 comments

Netvibes: Filter by tag

Started by jdh netvibes0 comments