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List-specific email addresses

(closed account) says:
Is it possible to automatically create different email addresses for posting tasks to seperate lists, for example, This would remove the need to include the list name in the body of the email address.

I would find this extremely useful for project related tasks as this email address could be given to clients/colleagues to report bugs for fixing quickly and effficiently.
Posted at 10:25pm on January 13, 2009
(closed account) says:
Would love this please. :)
Posted 13 years ago
jesse.heitler says:
This would be super helpful. It solves the ANNOYING problem of getting emails into RTM for my my inbox zero/GTD setup. To work efficiently I'd like to be able to construct a different email addresses for each tag/list combo that I use to stay organized.

Ideally it would allow for the full (or most of) the RTM task syntax. I'd use this by creating email aliaises for the different list and tag combinations that I use to organize myself.

This feature would give RTM users functionality like which would be a big win!

The "plus" syntax that p.dade suggest is a semi-standard way of extending email addresses. For example, gmail supports it:

Posted 13 years ago
bjoern.starr says:
This would be very helpfull Indeed. I would like to get my work related reminders (work list) sent to my work e-mail adress and my private reminders to my private e-mail adress
Posted 13 years ago
isaacab says:
This would be so helpful!
Posted 11 years ago
tvjames says:
This would be great for those times when I want to forward an email from Gmail to RTM and then delete it - using Gmail's filters (which won't let me change the subject to add labels), but I want it to be handled special on RTM's side.
Posted 8 years ago
dcolburn says:
13 years and this is still missing as a feature 😭
Posted 2 years ago
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