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Customizable priority colors

blue says:
I just have a simple request: have a preference for changing Priority colors.

I saw another post about adding Priorities, and I second that as well.

Very cool so far, though. Thanks!
Posted at 7:28pm on January 6, 2006
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for the suggestion -- we'll be adding features to user preferences, so we'll keep this in mind.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Although it would be ideal to select our own colors, if that isn't considered an option, please consider the changing the colors to something a little more distinctive (likely the reason people would like to have the ability to change it). The orange is OK for Priority 1, but the blues are too 'soft', and close in shade to really provide a visual impact, except for maybe the lowest prioritized items. Maybe something like red-orange-yellow, or red-orange/yellow-blue would provide better contrast and meaning.
Posted 16 years ago
morgan.bondelid says:
Changing priority colors plus the possibility of having more than just 3 priorities, pretty please!
Posted 16 years ago
morgan.bondelid says:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please add a feature for colored tabs and/or more priority colors. Some way to easily distinguish the tabs by color would be my preference.
Posted 16 years ago
victoriacarshare says:
I've been trying RTM for a whole 20 minutes and my biggest complaint is that the priority 2/3 blues are too similar. That's a complement. Also, it would be nice to reprioritize by clicking on the color swatch in the key. Thanks!
Posted 16 years ago
stephenscott says:
Posted 16 years ago
john.lusk says:
Yeah, the blues are too similar. I just went pro, so now I have a right to whine. :)

If you're concerned about color-blind folk, you could also have shapes. Triangle, square, circle? Exclamation mark, square, circle?

rmilk rawks btw. Been using it for many months now.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I have posted on this topic before. I have slight 'shades of blue' colour blindness and find it hard to distinguish priority 2 & 3 tasks by colour-bar. I would seriously support this enhancement !!!
Posted 16 years ago
wozkol says:
I agree with keithm and others said about the similiar blue color for p2 and p3.
Posted 16 years ago
valordobit says:
priority 1 red
priority 2 purpple
priority 3 blue

Like this color combination?
Its impossible use priority 2 and 3.
Posted 16 years ago
batreyud says:
This lack of feature has actually got me using Toodle do because of the impossibility to differentiate the priority between the blues.
Posted 16 years ago
vintagedance says:
Looks like this has been a common request for a while....

I just started using / evaluating RTM and the Priority 2 & 3 colors are way too similar -- especially when viewed as the small checkbox circle icon in RTMGmail.

If you have a single Priority 1 item and a single Priority 2 or 3 item, it is very hard to know which priority the second item is (there is nothing to contrast the blue-ish color with).

How about:
1 = red / purple
2 = yellow / gold
3 = green / aqua

Any status of where this is in the RTM development priority pipeline?
Posted 16 years ago
j.m.richardson says:
Been using RTM for precisely 7 minutes and I already want this. And it looks like people have been asking for years, and almost no response. Come on, how hard can it be?!
Posted 16 years ago
finny388 says:
I get the sense that RTM is getting overwhelmed with an ever rising base of users.

This is a good suggestion that deserves some attention

To this end, I am going pro with RTM for no other reason but to support them. Going pro offers me personally nothing for features, but I wish for RTM to thrive and be able to respond to and react to these wonderful suggestions.
Posted 16 years ago
finny388 says:
glad to help out the fuzzy monkey
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Being able to pick your own colors seems to be the best option, since not all folks are keen on the red/ green combo (colorblind) ;)
Posted 15 years ago
chris.trauzzi says:
I wanted to add my support for the suggestion of changing priority colors. As an alternative to picking your own colors, I'd be happy if there were 10-12 color themes to choose from.
Posted 15 years ago
michael.charvet says:
Yes, the user must be able change the colors to their personal preference -- that should be VERY easy to implement -- I don't understand why this request has been ignored for so long :-(

I for one, would be happy to upgrade for helpful enhancements such as this.
Posted 15 years ago
azium says:
RTM please please please do something about the "two blues". It's fine if you have a list of both priority 2 and 3 items. But with a list of just one of these priorities, it's not obvious if it's a lighter or darker blue.

My personal favourite combination would be red / amber / green -- but any three different colours would do!
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I agree....this would be great even if it was red/yellow/green. The two blues can get confusing as a new user.
Posted 15 years ago
vintagedance says:
Hmm... I've been using Toodledoo for a while now, but thought I'd come back and see if RTM had made any improvements regarding start dates, adjusting the almost identical blue colors for priorities, or better integration with Mailplane.

Answer: Nope -- or who knows? No acknowledgment of any kind from RTM support in the last 6 months.

I'm also looking for drag-n-drop reordering of tasks / subtasks which Toodledoo doesn't support yet.

However at least Toodledoo Support has acknowledged that arbitrary ordering of tasks is a major feature they are working on, but that it is a complex problem that may not be solved anytime soon.

Toodledoo Support is also good about acknowledging new feature requests on their forum, even if they can't give any details about possible implementation dates.

Looks like RTM Support is still completely invisible and uncommunicative on the RTM forums.

A simple acknowledgment post in some of these forum threads that says, "Thank you for the feature request. Currently RTM Support cannot comment on plans for future features." would go a long way towards establishing more trust and communication between RTM Support and the RTM userbase.

As such, I guess I will look elsewhere for a more responsive / communicative application community.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
this makes a lot o sense, please do this!
Posted 15 years ago
joet3ch says:
The priority 2 and 3 colors are almost identical (light blue / blue) ... Can you please change one of these colors to a totally different color? I would greatly appreciate it!
Posted 15 years ago
krissy says:
Hi everyone, I know that this suggestion is definitely on the list for the development team to do. Sorry I can't give you specific details at this point.
Posted 15 years ago
probe22 says:
My biggest request of RTM would be to enable color-coding by tabs. Thanks!
Posted 15 years ago
alexanderl says:
Gosh, adding more priorities would make my life perfect. Or, selecting the amount of priorities, then customizing the colours. Good stuff!
Posted 15 years ago
anthonybme says:
While you're at it, the process by which you select the poor colors is way more cumbersome than it needs to be. You can embed priority right into the line item. This way, as events in out lives change, we can easily click on an item, drag to the new priority and wen we let go, it's done. One click- done. Not: deselecting items that are selected, selecting the item, going to the pop up, selecting the priority, then done.

For reference, see Palm Pilot "ToDo" list from, oh, late 1990s.

As for colors, (again Palm Pilot has 5 priorities labeled 1-5.) I'd base it on a street light... red, orange, yellow, purple, green.
Posted 15 years ago
mattias.fornander says:
Yes please change Pri2+3 to not be almost the same right now. Add options to add more priorities or change colors later. Pretty silly to make them both blue, please change now.
Posted 15 years ago
mike.saha says:

1) I'd love to choose my own colors for priorities
2) the blues are too similar for effective and rapid distinction

Posted 15 years ago
mdevitt says:
Hi, my thoughts....

Needed: customisations to allow you select you own priority colour. 2 blues is not easy to differentialte.

Needed: Customise priority names and allow to add more priorities. For example, I prefer: Top, High, Medium and Low priority as oppose to 123.

Posted 15 years ago
jeremy.richardson says:
Setting multiple levels of priority is my biggest feature request
Colors would have to be part of it
Posted 15 years ago
mgarnhum says:
I would love to be able to customize the priority colors and have more than just 3 priorities. RTM is the best, though!
Posted 14 years ago
buntie says:
Any updates on these? Really wish the blue's would get changed. Can't distinguish them at all.
Posted 14 years ago
jaredd says:
I completely agree. I would suggest adding a user preference to change the priority colors. These could be user-defined from a color palette, or three color selection options (e.g. primary colors: red, yellow, blue; Olympic medal colors: gold, silver, bronze; or secondary colors: orange, purple, green). The current orange is fine. However, there should be more difference between blue and lighter blue.
Posted 14 years ago
chaimgoodman says:
I am satisfied with just 3 levels of priority but the 2 shades of blue color are WAY too close - please change them to very different colors. Thanks!
Posted 14 years ago
razva says:
Level 2 and 3 need to be way different...
Posted 14 years ago
jamesr404 says:

Want to be able to pick own colours, moving to RTM from my own system where I prioritized with different colours.... Like to keep the same colours as they are ingrained in my mind... (OK, maybe I'm a bit OCD, but aren't we all here? ^^)
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
You can easily modify this by installing Stylish and then adding the following userstyle:

Modify the hex values to your heart's content.
Posted 14 years ago
jmaddi says:
+1, default colours are not the best.
Posted 14 years ago
bntron says:
Posted 14 years ago
dynamohood says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
As per lowestsodium's comment, if you are using firefox you can override any aspect of RTM (or any other site) using the 'Stylish' firefox plugin.

I've just done this to change priority colours into red, amber and green - very quick and very simple.

Install the addon from here:
Posted 13 years ago
shiranc says:
Posted 13 years ago
smh8 says:
+1. Firefox workaround a good idea but for mobile version I have the same issue with 2/3 being a bit too similar.
Posted 13 years ago
mgort says:
Couldn't agree more!
Posted 13 years ago
neo789 says:
+1 I'll settle for more distinctive colours between Priority 2 and 3. THX
Posted 13 years ago
mdyslin says:
Use Firefox and and the Stylish add-on. I do that now to make a distinction between priorities.
Posted 13 years ago
mde1959 says:
I find it very odd that this issue - which is clearly felt by a lot of people, including me - has not been addressed by now. How hard can it be? Please, RTM, make your great product even better by doing this soon! Thank you!!!!!
Posted 13 years ago
jacob.ballon says:
I agree with the recent posts -- this seems like a simple add-on and it was brought up over 5 YEARS ago. How has this simple level of customization not already been addressed? But...since it hasn't yet, is there a timetable for when it will be added an explanation for why it can't be added?
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
You're not a programmer, are you? That may seem simple, but it requires the addition of a complete color picking subsystem. It would be easier just to offer several color themes to choose from.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I don't care to choose my colors, but would really love it if priority 2 and 3 were something other than two shades of blue. They are hard to distinguish.
Posted 13 years ago
akw27 says:
I was coming over here to suggest this very thing!
I like putting in the dates I'm getting paid, so I can keep tabs on everything, and it would help a lot if I could prioritize them in green, and put my bills in red.
But, if you guys don't want to mess with customizable colors, at least change one of the shades of blue. Those two are way too similar!
Posted 13 years ago
ajeanne says:
I can't tell you how often I wish there were more colors to assign to tasks!!! I use the colors to sync RTM with my day.... red for morning, blue for the middle of the day, light blue for later in the afternoon. If I had more colors that I could arrange in a rainbow of time slots, I would be so, so happy! If I could assign custom colors to priorities... even better. Then I would probably use them to color code the types of tasks in my day: work, home, hobbies, etc.

Please please please! :))
Posted 12 years ago
harryl says:
+1 Customizable priority colors
Posted 12 years ago
fritzson says:
wow. I just Googled this option expecting to find the instructions on how to configure the colors. I can't believe it's not an option. I can believe people have been asking for it forever. Two shades of blue? Really? I have normal vision and I have trouble distinguishing them on my tablet.

I second ajeanne: Please please please!
Posted 12 years ago
evanmoran says:
This is a big issue for me. Please fix this.
Posted 12 years ago
sn3akyp3t3 says:
I'm not color blind, but I do have difficulty distinguishing slight shade changes being only ever so different. Blue vs light blue is not absolutely hard to determine, but if only a single light blue is among a slew of blue it does get overlooked quite easily when in a hurry. I strongly suggest making the color selection customizable based on user preference and I do also like the shape option mentioned by others as an alternative. Aside from the customization request I would suggest for default settings to use a selection of colors that color blind folks don't have a problem with if possible. That would make RTM shine a bit brighter for accessibility compliance. :)
Posted 12 years ago
swanm11 says:
Hey all - It looks like this original suggestion started 6 years ago! Wow!

While I would like to see customizable colors/additional priorities, I'm with those of you simply wanting a more distinct change between priorities 2 & 3. I remote to a computer where I keep RTM open all day (an app tab in Firefox). I love the software, don't get me wrong, but on my remote connection, the display isn't turned up all the way - long story short, Priority 2 and Priority 3 show as the same exact color.

IMHO, 6 years is a very, very long time to wait for what shouldn't amount to more than a hex code change in the stylesheet.

Workaround to follow.
Posted 12 years ago
swanm11 says:

This workaround will work in Firefox (and should also work in Chrome, with a few tweaks). Before I detail the steps, please understand that this is what I did to fix the issue on my computer. I provide no warranty or guarantee if you follow the steps below. If you have issues with the workaround, please feel free to post them here and I'll try to help out.

1) Get the "Stylish" add-on for your browser.
2) Open the Add-ons Manager.
3) Select "User Styles"
4) Click "Write New Style"
5) Add this:

@-moz-document domain(''),url-prefix(''){
.prio3 { background-color:green !important;}

prio3 is the class name for Priority 3 - if you want to change all the colors, it's as simple as using prio1 and prio2 as well.

Once you do this, restart Firefox and sign into Remember the Milk. You'll see the "Stylish" icon at the bottom left and you can see where your style has a check mark next to it.

At this point, you should see your changes take place. Unfortunately, this workaround only works for the browser version.... but, it's something.
Posted 12 years ago
swanm11 says:
For the "Stylish" workaround, for those not familiar with CSS, you can replace the word "green" with a hex code (you might know these from Photoshop). If not, you can use the CSS color names list here:

And just in case - yes, I realize using Stylish has been noted in this thread previously - that's where I learned about it, but no one gave the guts. As a developer, figuring out what to do with Stylish once I had it wasn't difficult, but there are certainly many users out there who may have no idea what to do with Stylish to get it to change the colors. If you are using Firefox, hopefully the instructions and code I posted will get you there.
Posted 12 years ago
chase.wells says:
custom colors please - this would be great
Posted 12 years ago
chase.wells says:
is this supported or in a different forum?
Posted 12 years ago
bcasteel says:
Customizing the colors would be great. The two blues are just too similar to make it easy to see at a glance which priority something is.
Posted 12 years ago says:
Just to add my vote to what so many have already said - customisable colours would make a big difference, the 2 blues are not distinct enough. many other apps use red/blue/green for 3 priorities - that works for me.
Posted 12 years ago
mike.buglio says:
Posted 12 years ago
pkarlys says:
6 year request that still hasn't been implemented makes me sad... le sigh.
Posted 12 years ago
steevan1 says:
Totally agree. Two blues aren't distinctive enough.
Posted 12 years ago
khayhoe says:
It's been six years since people have been making this VERY reasonable request. Surely in this day and age, your colors don't have to be constrained to the twitter, facebook, and google icons at the bottom of the page. This is not Kinko's printing: even they don't charge extra for more than 3 colors any more!
Posted 12 years ago
sonjakirsten says:
to have priorities in all basic colors red, green, blue, orange, purple would be great, so more than just 3 and more options.
Posted 12 years ago
garix says:
Posted 12 years ago
bancron says:
I agree. I would like to use red/yellow/green. Red/dark blue/light blue is very unintuitive. Thank you!
Posted 11 years ago
sonice2cu says:
I just signed up to use RTM. Looks like it might be a big help for me. appears that I'm not the only one who would like to see a big color difference between Priority 2 and Priority 3. To me, the blues are too close in color. Anyone know if/when this might be changed? Thanks!
Posted 11 years ago
solid71 says:
Please help with more priority Colors
Posted 11 years ago
lucian.leibovici says:
More then 3 priority would be very usefull. I have task which are iminante, urgent, normal, and low. 4-5 would be perfect. thank you
Posted 11 years ago
tkchuah says:
Come on guys, this feature must be imlemented. Every one have different preference on how they color code their priority
Posted 11 years ago
timmeg says:
Posted 11 years ago
goralxp says:
new colors please
Posted 10 years ago
david_morgan says:
Editable colors please, accessible via Settings.

I want to use the "Priority" to indicate something other than a priority - goal, project or next action - and the colors are wrong for this.
Posted 10 years ago
cgleroux says:
another vote for more and selectable colors
Posted 10 years ago
jhaus515 says:
and another vote for more priority and list colors.
Posted 10 years ago
eddiedeegan says:
Editable colors please, accessible via Settings - very good idea
Posted 10 years ago
dave.liao says:
Agreed - I find it tough to differentiate between Priority 2 and Priority 3 tasks. Blue, purple, blurple?
Posted 9 years ago
solid71 says:
RTM....we are all your bread and butter
Can you address this already? Folks are evaluating other options due to your latency.

We are your MONEY source.....let's get this going.
Posted 9 years ago
astrometab says:
I agree- it is actually the most stupid thing about rmilk.

Is nobody listening?

Does this require a huge re-coding burden????
Posted 8 years ago
jdownie says:
Posted 8 years ago
whitemilkyballoons says:
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
Editable colors please, accessible via Settings - very good idea - I use the priorities according to the Covey's four quadrant. So it would be nice to customize.
P1 equals Q1
P2 equals Q2 (not urgent and important)
P3 equals Q3 (urgent but NOT importan)
so it would be nice to clearly distinguish between Q2 adn Q3
Posted 8 years ago
jcallaway says:
Posted 8 years ago
apmcintyre says:
+1 - can't believe you haven't implemented this!
Do you listen to your customers?!
Posted 7 years ago
fermart says:
Posted 7 years ago
(closed account) says:
option for traffic light colors, please
Posted 7 years ago
robfreundlich says:
Like others, I tried changing the colors using Stylish. Unfortunately, RTM is now using a system that compiles/obfuscates their CSS, which results in the class names changing whenever there's an update. So just styling .prio1, .prio2, and .prio3 doesn't work any more.

I'm disappointed. If they don't have the resources available to implement this feature, offering a stable set of CSS classes to make it possible for people to use tools such as Stylish to customize the UI would be a great alternative.
Posted 7 years ago
crhode85 says:
Please either change the colors or give us the option. This is infuriating. This really shouldn't be that difficult to fix. Please please please change.
Posted 6 years ago
thomas.johnsson says:
Yeah +1 one this! The two blue colors for prio 2 and 3 are too similar. I have been waiting for this for ages. :)

I suggest:

priority 1 red
priority 2 yellow
priority 3 blue (not green, because the often indicate DONE or OK etc)
Posted 6 years ago
jenae.spry says:
Please do this...I have also been waiting years for this.
Posted 6 years ago
llfranson says:
Adding to this. I want this so I can set my own colors in priorities.
Posted 6 years ago
onlinemailnet13 says:
Posted 6 years ago
martonz says:
It is torture to have two blue colors.
Posted 5 years ago
realness1111 says:
Posted 5 years ago
progress4ward says:
Maybe the color palette for the tags could be used for the priorities?
Posted 5 years ago
fermart says:
let us choose priority colors....

is somebody from RTM reading this?
Posted 5 years ago
robert_home says:
This has been around for a while.... I also find having two shades of blue for priority 2 and 3 too similar, I would like more contrast - I suggest change one of them, or allow changing like for tags.
Posted 5 years ago
jimdavisace says:
wow, this basic request that would take a developer no more than 10 minutes to change the stupid similar blues to more distinguishable colours, Like Red Amber Green, has been going on for 13 years!!!!

Seriously? I think RTM is great and been enjoying it immensely but this is a serious concerns me that the owner of the platform has lost mojo and left it in set and forget mode.
Posted 5 years ago
mikemwg says:
Posted 4 years ago
aaron.boydston says:
For me, it's just matter of priority 2 and 3 needed better color distinction. Blue and a slightly lighter blue are not different enough!
Posted 4 years ago
snikkerz says:
Agree with aaron.boydston and other users--blue and darker blue are not distinct enough, too easily confused with each other.

Fixing this or allowing users to customize the color labels would be akin to introducing a new priority level, which would be quite useful :)
Posted 4 years ago
pskarbon says:
yes to customizing priority color, and yes to minimally making colors more distinct (like snikkerz said)
Posted 4 years ago
fant says:
Posted 4 years ago
yannick1478 says:
Guys, it's impossible to see the differences between the two blues.
How can this take 15 years!??
Posted 3 years ago
majesticplums says:
Hi, Is there any update on this? I see you said you would look at adding the feature 15 years ago lol. Would be good to get it done as it's the only thing I don't like about the app... The colours you have used are not very clear.
Posted 3 years ago
(closed account) says:
Totally agree - and can't beleive this has been a request for 15+ years! Such a basic improvement - my eyes are not as good as they used to be and I honestly can;t tell the difference between these two blues. Please fix Bob and team or I simply won't be renewing my subscription. Ridiculous that this has not been fixed after this long.
Posted 2 years ago
(closed account) says:
Received no response about this request and the fact it had been ignored since 2006 shows Bob has total disrespect for his customers. I explained to the support guy that I would not be renewing if this was not fixed and he said he would pass on to the developers. It's not fixed and my subscription has just expired and I have signed up with ToDoist. Goodbye Bob!
Posted 2 years ago
homiache says:
This feature is still in demand.
Posted 2 years ago
grwleblanc says:
I'm posting this just to see if there are still real human beings running the RTM shop. The logic for this upgrade appears to be self-evident. Many people have a hard time distinguishing between the two blue colors. I can only imagine what it is for those who are color-blind. But, the fact that this issue is literally decades old tells me that RTM is a dead application (sort of like Latin being a dead language). The cow symbol seems to indicate "cash cow.'" So, you may say I'm not a paying user, well this kind of inattention is not helping me get there. You may say, the change it's not as simple as it appears. Since when did that become an excuse for failing to improve. If it was simple, I could do it.
Posted 2 years ago
milene.cha says:
still waiting...
Posted 2 years ago
dencold says:
Just chiming in to echo all these asks that have been ongoing for so many years.

Please don't do the hard thing of making this customizable, just please, please, please change the color settings for the priority 2 and priority 3 tasks. Dark blue and light blue make it near impossible to differentiate in the app.

Thanks so much.
Posted 2 years ago
(closed account) says:
We need more votes on this one. Everyone please vote 'yes' so this can be implemented. I think its one of the very important things RTM needs to consider updating.
Posted 1 year ago
fant says:
seems like the lights are on at rmilk, but no one is home... ;-)
Posted 1 year ago
blackshift says:
Another data point: I'm trying to use RTM on an e-ink device, and I can only very carefully distinguish the colors; which stopped my plan in its tracks.

I don't mind RTM being 'dead' too much; I love the stability much more than an app changing under your feet.

But now there is milkscript. So I was thinking, maybe it would be possible for us to create a milkscript that adds an emoji to the start of each task that shows the importance in a way that is visually pleasing to us. E.g. a colored diamond or something that works in black/white. I'll let you know if I ever create such a milkscript.
Posted 1 year ago
progress4ward says:
I also think there needs to be a change with the two blue priority colors. They're too similar to differentiate between them.
Posted 11 months ago
littlezigy says:
I'd really like this please. A color scheme I suggest is
p1: Red
p2: orange
p3: blue
p4: grey ( or anything. Not really picky here)
Posted 8 months ago
lpeltier says:
I agree with littlezigy
Posted 8 months ago
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