Import contacts from Gmail
davebc says:
Adding a Gmail imoprt feature for contacts would make it a lot easier to find and add other RTM users. Of course, other services to import from would be useful, as I typically see Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL together on other sites like that, such as Facebook (to find other friends) and StumbleUpon.
(closed account) says:
I second this
(closed account) says:
xynetha says:
masnare says:
snipeyhead says:
and sixth! :)
eamoncollins says:
seventh :-)
rocklove says:
wozny.dawid says:
atunesmith says:
10th, 11th, 12th
niels.radstaat says:
and the rest ^_^
(closed account) says:
I'm not sure what this is asking. Is the idea to have RTM use Google Contacts to add RTM Contacts? If that's the case, that would be useful.
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