Optimized web version for the Nokia N800

philbolli says:
The Nokia N800/810 is a touch screen (800x480px) internet tablet with a gecko-engine based browser and the google gears plugin on the horizon. Wouldn't it be nice to have an iphone like stylesheet on the n800 as well to enable similar usability? RTM is usable on the device but only with the stylus. Why not make a finger-friendly version for the rest of us (non iphone/touch users).

linickx says:
+1 Vote :)

jmarkevich says:
+1 more!

dkwatts says:
+1 vote

jdharper says:

sarhan.gaith says:
+1 Vote, I dont imagine it would be that hard

elinick says:
+1 Please!

piaz says:
+1 Vote

choffee says:
+1 Vote

solanole says:
+1 vote

nigel.godfrey says:
+1\vote please

(closed account) says:

dmitri3 says:
+1 vote
You can make Google Gears work on Maemo 2008 with some work, so it shouldn't require an app, just a finger-friendly site, which is pretty easy to do.
You can make Google Gears work on Maemo 2008 with some work, so it shouldn't require an app, just a finger-friendly site, which is pretty easy to do.

dmitri3 says:
oh, btw, with iPhone user agent, I was able to test iPhone stylesheet on my Nokia N810..
Everything is great except that I'm unable to complete any task...
Everything is great except that I'm unable to complete any task...

beldin says:
Yes, as dmitri3 says by changing the user-agent string you can use the iphone version on N800/N810. The only problem is that the buttons is styled in such a way that they are not visible. Completeing a task only works if you can find the button (if I remember correctly, it's been a while since I tried)
So adding support for N800/N810 runing OS2008 should be easy, they only need to tweak the css a bit so that buttons is shown, and add the user-agent string from the N8x0.
So adding support for N800/N810 runing OS2008 should be easy, they only need to tweak the css a bit so that buttons is shown, and add the user-agent string from the N8x0.

arunissatan says:

arunissatan says:
10 ++
20 GOTO 10
20 GOTO 10

(closed account) says:
+1 vote
Yes !!!
Yes !!!

gary.dawes says:
1 more vote. Needs to be quicker and simpler on the N8x0.
What would also be really nice was if we could integrate with Maemo Mapper or Google maps, and the GPS so we were alerted with tasks when near a location.
What would also be really nice was if we could integrate with Maemo Mapper or Google maps, and the GPS so we were alerted with tasks when near a location.

nergar says:
me wants!!!

(closed account) says:
There is something like this for the Nokia tablets; it's still in beta though. Zutun. From what I've heard it isn't stable yet, but here's a link. http://zutun.garage.maemo.org/

john.lehman says:
1 more vote

chrisjlee says:

milo617 says:

nighto says:

zalkwalk says:

(closed account) says:

decko says:
An App for N8x0 would be great!
An App for N8x0 would be great!

aless says:

hackshaq says:
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