Custom names for custom (advanced) sorting/grouping of tasks?

floweringtree says:
I would like to be able to give each of my advanced ways of sorting a name, so I can flip quickly and easily between different ways of sorting/grouping, including other custom (advanced) ways.
My "default" is a complex "advanced" custom way of sorting my tasks, grouped by list and then sorted in the list by three different features in order. It works well for most things, but it would sometimes be useful to group by due date instead, for instance.
However, changing to something else and back is difficult, because there is no way of identifying a particular way of grouping things in the advanced sort menu other than the actual list of the grouping/sorting features.
So, if, for example, if I want to swap between having RTM tasks grouped by list and sorted by priority, due date, and task name; having them grouped by list but sorted by due date, priority, and task name (in that order); and having them grouped by due date and sorted by priority, list, and task name - depending on what I am trying to do - it is hard to pick the right one of those out of the "advanced sort" list!
An option (emphasis!) to add a name when adding a custom sort, would solve this problem.
My "default" is a complex "advanced" custom way of sorting my tasks, grouped by list and then sorted in the list by three different features in order. It works well for most things, but it would sometimes be useful to group by due date instead, for instance.
However, changing to something else and back is difficult, because there is no way of identifying a particular way of grouping things in the advanced sort menu other than the actual list of the grouping/sorting features.
So, if, for example, if I want to swap between having RTM tasks grouped by list and sorted by priority, due date, and task name; having them grouped by list but sorted by due date, priority, and task name (in that order); and having them grouped by due date and sorted by priority, list, and task name - depending on what I am trying to do - it is hard to pick the right one of those out of the "advanced sort" list!
An option (emphasis!) to add a name when adding a custom sort, would solve this problem.

(closed account) says:
Good idea!
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