Highlight 'Active' task
john.turknett says:
It would be nice to have 1 task per list be the 'active' task. When the task is completed it loses 'active' status an may choose another.
If context shifting is a problem you will no longer have to remember which task is your current priority.
Maybe highlight it a soft green so that it can easily be distinguished.
If context shifting is a problem you will no longer have to remember which task is your current priority.
Maybe highlight it a soft green so that it can easily be distinguished.
jamezzz says:
I currently do this by assigning or "giving" a task to myself. When the task is given to someone it shows up prominently in the lists and SmartLists as well. Plus, you have the givenTo, givenBy and isGiven Advanced search operators to use this in your Smartlists.
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