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Ajax task search from Smart Add/New Task field

ragmana says:
When entering a new task, display the top X (3? 5?) search results for that task beneath the Smart Add icons. Arrow down into this list to go directly to that task.

Perhaps change the "Add Task" button to "Duplicate" and/or set a hotkey (such as CTRL+Return) to fill in the Smart Add text that would duplicate the task.

Perhaps add a button to the bottom of the list to search for more results (using the normal search function).

1. Quicker task duplication, editable.
2. Quicker search and navigation.
3. Displays potential duplicates when creating a task.
4. Plays nice with the existing web app UI (where can I send a sketch?), and creates opportunity for less app chrome (merge search field into new task field).
Posted at 3:25pm on June 13, 2016
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