New criteria for Smart Lists
jy3 says:
*currentLocation: Mobile-only. The user's current position.
Examples: "within 1km of home", "more than 5 km from work"
*completionStatus: Pro-only. Subtasks completed out of total tasks.
Examples: "<50%", ">3"
*completionTime: Time remaining until due compared to estimated time.
Examples: ">5 days", "
Examples: "within 1km of home", "more than 5 km from work"
*completionStatus: Pro-only. Subtasks completed out of total tasks.
Examples: "<50%", ">3"
*completionTime: Time remaining until due compared to estimated time.
Examples: ">5 days", "
jy3 says:
That last example should be "
jy3 says:
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