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Show a repeating icon when a task repeats

petej26 says:
Would it be possible to show which tasks are recurring in the Google Gadget? Ideally I would like to edit the recurrence right on the Google page, but a minimum show an icon that indicates whether that task recurs or not. The reason is I constantly click on a task before marking it complete to check if it is going to recur or not. If there was an icon, I wouldn't have to check each time.

Posted at 3:38pm on May 16, 2011
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for your feedback!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I vote for this, as there is no 'list view' (that shows all the fields/attributes). And the lovely little boxes that appear when you assign attributes during task creation sadly disappear (Except for 'tag').
Posted 1 year ago
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