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Option to keep tasks selected after performing actions on multiple tasks

tvjames says:
I like how on the web version you can select an item and then perform multiple actions on it (change its priority, postpone it, etc.)

Would be nice if once I select something on the iPad, it would stay selected until I unclicked it, or clicked a "de-select all" option.

You could even make this a toggled setting for those who like the current mode. Or even a "Select All" / "De-Select All" button.
Posted at 11:38pm on May 5, 2011
brent.mcleod says:
It sounds like you want perform actions on multiple tasks at the same time. If that's the case, you can tap the Edit button at the top of the list, select all the tasks you want and then tap the More button at the bottom of the screen. This will show a menu that let's you edit certain properties on all of the tasks.
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
As brent.mcleod suggested, it sounds like you're working in multi-edit mode. Working with an individual task, the task will stay "selected" (that is, the card will be visible) while you change multiple properties of the task.

Thanks for your feedback on the app!
Posted 13 years ago
tvjames says:
That's correct - I've clicked edit and then selected multiple items. I want to change their due date and priority. But as soon as I've changed one, they are unselected and I must re-select all of them.
Posted 13 years ago
brendan says:
Thanks for your feedback! We appreciate it.
Posted 13 years ago
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