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Add tasks using Android share menu

chrispaton says:
Hi there,

My second RTM idea for today... I noticed that a recent update to Evernote for Android added a nifty feature that lets you note something in Evernote using the share menu on Android.

It would be great to do something similar for RTM. I imagine myself surfing a webpage on my phone and wanting to read an article properly later. I'd "Share this page" in the browser and RTM would appear as one of the entries on the list (using the android.intent.action.SEND I think). Choosing RTM would pop up the New task dialog with the task name and URL set appropriately.

Webpages are an obvious use case but various other apps in Android use the share menu and could become cool sources of input to RTM.

Chris Paton
Posted at 7:52pm on September 3, 2010
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This feature is now available in version 2.0.0. :)

Please see our blog post: The ginormous Remember The Milk for Android update
Posted 13 years ago
lemayp says:

When I check my google reader post or links received from twitter I would like to add as a task the articles that are too long to read now and such feature would allow to quickly add the link to be read later (with the possibility to assign a tag)

The way that we can "share" things on android is very effecient, and would be a natural way to add thing to rtm too.
Posted 14 years ago
lemayp says:
I forgot to mention that my alternative solution is to send to my gmail account from which I email to rtm... Not as efficient, but it does the job...
Posted 14 years ago
gdrapala says:
Posted 14 years ago
jelmerf says:

I'd definitely extend my pro-membership period for this. Right now I'm using ReadItLater, but I'd rather just use rtm for this. The share-send intent is needed for that in the android-client though.
Posted 14 years ago
isim says:
Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing this feature on my Android RTM as well. Everytime I tap the share button I am desperate that there is no RTM icon. I have to send an URL of interesting article to RTM through GMail application or via copy&paste :-(

Posted 14 years ago
dkutz says:
+1. Couldn't agree more!
Posted 14 years ago
dedgeworth says:

RTM is one of the few productivity apps on Android that doesn't allow sharing in and out between apps.
Posted 13 years ago
yamamotoknj says:
Posted 13 years ago
mgtd says:
Posted 13 years ago
kiff.jones says:
Posted 13 years ago
mgtd says:
+1 this would be very helpful
Posted 13 years ago
jonramster says:
Posted 13 years ago
danielj says:
Posted 13 years ago
philsch says:
would be more efficient than sending things (that are already on my phone) via Gmail to RTM an back to my phone :)
Posted 13 years ago
iainfunnell says:
I'd love this feature - I'm always reading my twitter feeds and would love to be able to take a post and add it as a to do.. for reading, doing, etc.
Posted 13 years ago
cmlesjak says:
I'm really disappointed that the RTM developers don't seem to listen to us here ... 25 bucks a years is quite a lot of money, therefore i expect these guys to start implementing such basic yet fundamental features asap!
Posted 13 years ago
joobi says:
+2 :D

This is a really necessary!
Posted 13 years ago
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