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Color code tasks by which list they belong to

john.farrell says:
I have a "Workday" list that combines my personal tasks I can do on a break with tasks I'm doing for work. It'd be great to be able to distinguish between the two in the unified list so I could easily see what's the highest priority task from the Personal list or the Work list.
Posted at 3:57pm on March 29, 2010
dayoung24 says:
+1 Great idea!
Posted 13 years ago
macadamianut says:
Posted 12 years ago
jphw says:
Yes! I'd like to color code entries or at least color code tags
Posted 11 years ago
faustus23 says:
Great idea but old ticket - is anybody reading this at all?
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
With a Pro account you can customize the tag colors.
Posted 3 years ago
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