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Smart Add bug

andres.riancho says:
When I type this in my smart add:

#wait !3 ^monday Respondió Luciano de UPS? Cuando me llega la compu?

The task is added with the #wait tag, with the 3 priority and with the correct due date; BUT the task name is set to "#wait !3 ^monday Respondió Luciano de UPS? Cuando me llega la compu?" instead of the expected "Respondió Luciano de UPS? Cuando me llega la compu?"
Posted at 2:54pm on March 25, 2010
leah.shalom Power Poster says:
You might want to try putting the name of the task first, followed by the #, !, and ^ information. I use this order for smart adding tags and it usually works.
Posted 14 years ago
clay.focus says:
I may be wrong here, but my understanding is that the syntax is as follows:

[task name] [due date] [all other tags]

so in this example, the entry should be

Respondió Luciano de UPS? Cuando me llega la compu? ^monday #wait !3

Hope that helps....
Posted 14 years ago
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