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Display list name next to tasks or grouping by list name

ryanherring says:
I use a lot of different task lists, which means that when looking at a list of things due today, it would be great if they were organized by the list name so I can easily compartmentalize the things I have to do today. This could be done by putting a small label on each individual task, but it would be even better if there were subheadings (for each list) with the tasks for that day right under them.

The only way I've come close to replicating this functionality is by giving a tag equal to the list name and then the tag will of course show up next to each task. However, there's no way to sort by tag that I know of and I also find the tags to be inconveniently located compared to the task name. It seems they should be separated by a line or at least have some more space in between them.

Any suggestions for how to organize/display the tasks the way I want? What I just described is almost exactly the way that displays by default. I'm currently using both todoist and rtm, and I'm trying to decide which one to keep in the long run.
Posted at 5:31pm on February 8, 2010
jansona says:
I use tags for all my "list" purposes, and don't use normal "lists" for much of anything. Tags have so many advantages, including the one you've noted (displaying in task names) You can also put a task in multiple tags, and use keyboard shortcuts to access the Tags field (s). (lists are mouse-only, I believe.)

I do wish, however, that the iPhone app showed tag names also! instead, it shows task names, which I find irritatingly inconsistent.

A sort option to sort by tags could be useful, too.
Posted 14 years ago
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