Is It Possible to Upload Files to RTM?
gogo97 says:
I've searched this question and some folks have workarounds that link to files on one's own computer. Is there any way to actually upload files? RTM could be my favorite To-Do List resource if that were possible!
Any advice/information?
Any advice/information?
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
It's not currently possible to upload files to RTM, but you can link to a file hosted elsewhere with the URL field.
gogo97 says:
Ok- great, and thanks for responding.
Is it possible that RTM might have this in the future?
Is it possible that RTM might have this in the future?
gogo97 says:
Oops- sorry! I see now on the home page for "Help" that you do not respond to questions about future developments. Strike my query!