Flaky behavior

tchamber says:
My lists have become very corrupted over the weekend:
1) Repeating tasks are just all over the place - duplicated, disappearing, turned into non-repeating. I don't even know everything that has happened with the repeating tasks - just very weird.
2) "Postpone" button completing tasks. It's a very easy mistake to push "Complete" when you meant "Postpone", especially when postpoing a number of entries at once. So I am careful which button I hit. Nevertheless I am certain that "Postpone" sent a number of items into the completed bin, not once but several times.
3) After 2), "Uncomplete" doesn't send things back where they came from. For example, a task in the completed list was "uncompleted" back to a different list and with a due date of Wednesday instead of today.
4) Disappearing task. After spending time this morning getting everything in order, I reviewed the lists on the train with my Blackberry, as I always do. One missing. (Specifically, the one in 3) above that got uncompleted to the wrong date.) When I got to work, it is just gone - not misplaced, not completed - just gone.
Very disconcerting. I use RTM all day, every day, so I don't think this is me having a brain freeze. Something is very strange.
1) Repeating tasks are just all over the place - duplicated, disappearing, turned into non-repeating. I don't even know everything that has happened with the repeating tasks - just very weird.
2) "Postpone" button completing tasks. It's a very easy mistake to push "Complete" when you meant "Postpone", especially when postpoing a number of entries at once. So I am careful which button I hit. Nevertheless I am certain that "Postpone" sent a number of items into the completed bin, not once but several times.
3) After 2), "Uncomplete" doesn't send things back where they came from. For example, a task in the completed list was "uncompleted" back to a different list and with a due date of Wednesday instead of today.
4) Disappearing task. After spending time this morning getting everything in order, I reviewed the lists on the train with my Blackberry, as I always do. One missing. (Specifically, the one in 3) above that got uncompleted to the wrong date.) When I got to work, it is just gone - not misplaced, not completed - just gone.
Very disconcerting. I use RTM all day, every day, so I don't think this is me having a brain freeze. Something is very strange.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
This sounds like a Gears problem. Could you check to see whether you have Gears running on RTM?
Otherwise, it could be a cache/browser problem. Which browser do you use?
Otherwise, it could be a cache/browser problem. Which browser do you use?

tchamber says:
It was a Gears problem. All the flakiness disappeared once Gears was disabled and the browser restarted.