rtm not following on twitter?

ryanoryan says:
for the past couple of days, i've been trying to set up rtm via twitter, but i keep getting the message that rtm is not following me. i found a thread for this from about a year ago, but nothing more recent. it looks like it was a problem on twitter's side then, but i was wondering if anyone else was having trouble or had any suggestions.

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Unfortunately this is likely a caching issue on Twitter's side. The auto-follow mechanism often doesn't keep up, but sometimes it's just delayed.
Since you've been having this problem for more than a few days, you will probably want to contact Twitter and provide your Twitter username, reference Remember The Milk, and request a cache clear.
Since you've been having this problem for more than a few days, you will probably want to contact Twitter and provide your Twitter username, reference Remember The Milk, and request a cache clear.

sydney.e.brown says:
ryanoryan, I have this same problem. I'm on day 2 of waiting. :( This is really bumming me out. Were you able to get it fixed yet?

ryanoryan says:
I sent a request to Twitter and they said that they cleared the cache, but I am still having no luck. :(

sydney.e.brown says:
I can't get twitter to answer me. :(
They just referred me to more help docs. This is quite frustrating.
They just referred me to more help docs. This is quite frustrating.

jlcampos says:
I have the same problem here, Cache cleaned and done the unfollow and follow task several times and no anwser (follow) from rtm, any ideas?
any workaround?
any workaround?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
For anyone experiencing this problem after having Twitter clear your cache, if you haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a Twitter issue report via our support system?
Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.
Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.
Please select the issue that you're experiencing from the list on the left, and follow the steps shown. If your issue isn't listed, just click on "I'd like to report a new issue" on the left.
Your report should provide all the info that we need to investigate further, but we'll be in touch via email if we require any more details.

willkristi says:
According to a twittercal, a similar use of Twitter to update Google Calendar, twitter's autofollow is no longer functioning. This may mean that RTM has to manually add followers or use a third party service to replicate twitter's autofollow functionality.

sydney.e.brown says:
I worked with support @ Twitter and they said RTM has maxed out its following, so it would no longer auto-follow. This is a real bummer. So many more people could use rtm if they could simply use SMS to manage their items. Allowing this allows all, not just 'smartphones w/ web access' to participate.

natepagel says:
@rtm please follow @natepagel - I hope then it will work