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Updating task's added and completed dates

wohler says:
I'd like to update the added and completed dates. The use case is an imported list of movies where the added date represents roughly the date that the movie (that I'm interested in seeing) came out and the completed date represents the date I watched the movie.

I used the email interface to import my list of movies, but alas, I did not see fields for setting these dates.

And alas, it isn't possible to update these dates with the web interface.

And alas, after playing with the API for the past couple of days (Java flavor), it appears that it isn't possible to set these dates with the API either. I don't see a rtm.tasks.setCompleteDate method, for example. Nor do I see an rtm.tasks.addTask with a full suite of parameters.

Am I missing something or is it currently impossible to do this?
Posted at 5:48am on August 19, 2009
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Sorry for the delay in writing you back!

You're right, those fields are set by the site when the tasks are added/completed and it's not possible to alter them by hand.

I'm not sure how the dates matter to you, but you could set the due date as either the release or watched date, depending on which you need to track more.

Hope this helps!
Posted 15 years ago
wohler says:
Ah, I was expecting an email notification. But I just discovered the "topics you've posted in" link...

Yep, I tried using the Due Date, but it really messed up the sorts

While it would have been nice to have preserved the history, it's not a showstopper.

Thanks for confirming my suspicions!

Posted 15 years ago
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