Twitter Lists

dgwood12 says:
I was wondering if there was a way through texting twitter to add a task to a specific list. ie: {d rtm !School class project due 5pm aug 24th 2009}. Right now I can only send tasks to my inbox list and I want to be able to add them to all lists via twitter. Anyone know if this is possible? Thanks in advance!

dgwood12 says:
Maybe my wording was a bit confusing. I want to be able to add tasks to a specific list. Not just the inbox. Hope this clarifies if there is any confusion.

khlrqa says:
i want that too! didn't get it working, tried this:
d rtm do this or that l: listname
doesn't seem to be supported by rtm?
d rtm do this or that l: listname
doesn't seem to be supported by rtm?

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
No, this isn't supported by the Twitter service. Tasks sent from Twitter are only added to the Inbox, where you can later "process" them with tags, move them to lists, etc.