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Marking Task as Un-completable?

christopher.c.parker says:
I don't think I'm the only person who's come across this scenario before... I have some overdue tasks that cannot be postponed, but I don't want to delete them because I have notes on them, they're shared, etc. Instead, I'd like to be able to mark them as "Uncomplete", "Missed", or something like that.

For example, if I missed a concert, conference, or similar event, or if I missed trash day one week. I think it would be useful to keep track of how often I get things done on time vs. postponed vs. missed altogether.
Posted at 8:14pm on July 31, 2009
christopher.c.parker says:
In order to clean up my missed, un-completable tasks, I've tagged them "missed" and then marked them as complete. I also added a Smart List with the following search term:

(status:completed and tag:missed) or (tag:missed)

I've named the Smart List "Missed Opportunities". All tasks with a tag of "missed" will show up here, with the tasks marked as complete showing up by default. If something changes in the RTM service that provides a better way for me to do this, I have easy access to all of my missed items. :)
Posted 15 years ago
christopher.c.parker says:
Actually, it turns out the tasks marked as complete won't show up by default if there are also incomplete tasks also tagged as "missed". Oh, well.

This just means that, if I visit the "Missed Opportunities" Smart List, and I see incomplete tasks, it will make it easier to bulk-Complete them to keep them out of my Overdue queue.
Posted 15 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
This is a really good idea! Over time you'll be able to tell how you're doing with your tasks. (One of the first things I realized when I started using tasks was that I overused due dates a lot. :)
Posted 15 years ago
apgordon says:
Agreed, to all. I over use due dates too, and have started using the GTD's model of just tagging things -na ("next action") instead of assigning them arbitrary due dates. This means I'm not using energy on constantly reassigning new due dates or postponing because I didn't get to it.

Another great GTD tip I learned is to have tags for someday/maybe. I add tasks a lot that I know I'm not going to get to that week or even that month, but want to remember it. Tag it -waiting.

Or, if there's a task you can't complete yet because you're waiting on someone else to do something, tag it: -waiting. It'll get it off your radar enough that you're not worrying about it everytime you look at your list of -na, but will keep it around so you don't lose track of it and can reassess when you do your weekly review (Another GTD tip).
Posted 15 years ago
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