
nicolas_thomsen says:
There are some features that I really miss in RTM, and I was wondering if any of you guys have workarounds for some of them?
Start dates; fx. If there is a task I only want to be bothered with in 2 weeks?
Sequental lists; If i have a project(list) of 3 tasks, but I can only do them in a specific order, and therefore I wouldn´t want to focus on no.2 before I have checked off no.1.
Areas of responsibility I usually sort my projects into 4 areas (private, work, freelance 1 and freelance 2) how do I seperate them in a effective way?
Next actions; is there any way to effectlively see next actions without tagging them myself?
Sub contexts; are there any way to make sub contexts?
Sub lists; are there any way to make sub lists?
And I have read the rather long blog post here about doing GTD with RTM.
Thanks :)
Start dates; fx. If there is a task I only want to be bothered with in 2 weeks?
Sequental lists; If i have a project(list) of 3 tasks, but I can only do them in a specific order, and therefore I wouldn´t want to focus on no.2 before I have checked off no.1.
Areas of responsibility I usually sort my projects into 4 areas (private, work, freelance 1 and freelance 2) how do I seperate them in a effective way?
Next actions; is there any way to effectlively see next actions without tagging them myself?
Sub contexts; are there any way to make sub contexts?
Sub lists; are there any way to make sub lists?
And I have read the rather long blog post here about doing GTD with RTM.
Thanks :)

andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Start dates: search the forums for sleeper tags.
Sequential lists: you can use sleeper tags for this, or by tagging the first thing to do as "na", then tagging the second when you're done (which works well if you limit a Smart List to just tasks tagged with "na") There's currently no way to sequence tasks such that you wouldn't have to go back and retag or reorder them later.
Areas of responsibility: you could do that with lists or tags (with Smart Lists); I do a little of both, but mostly the latter. (I also have a Smart List set to NOT (tag:private OR tag:work OR tag:freelance1) to "catch" tasks that I forgot to tag, to make sure they don't get lost.
Sub contexts: more tags. :) (and thus more Smart Lists?) I combine some, e.g. to separate out tasks that need to be done during the daytime hours (phone calls, loud projects at home). (You could consider sub contexts just specific sub lists; I'd do the same for them.)
There are probably a lot of ways to do some of these things (as is always the case with RTM!), so my suggestions are just what I've incorporated myself. YMMV and such. :)
Sequential lists: you can use sleeper tags for this, or by tagging the first thing to do as "na", then tagging the second when you're done (which works well if you limit a Smart List to just tasks tagged with "na") There's currently no way to sequence tasks such that you wouldn't have to go back and retag or reorder them later.
Areas of responsibility: you could do that with lists or tags (with Smart Lists); I do a little of both, but mostly the latter. (I also have a Smart List set to NOT (tag:private OR tag:work OR tag:freelance1) to "catch" tasks that I forgot to tag, to make sure they don't get lost.
Sub contexts: more tags. :) (and thus more Smart Lists?) I combine some, e.g. to separate out tasks that need to be done during the daytime hours (phone calls, loud projects at home). (You could consider sub contexts just specific sub lists; I'd do the same for them.)
There are probably a lot of ways to do some of these things (as is always the case with RTM!), so my suggestions are just what I've incorporated myself. YMMV and such. :)