Keep Getting Stuck in Public ToDo List
chadcrowell says:
I have a bookmark to RTM on my browser and it opens the public ToDo list. From there, even though I am logged in, there is no link to get me back to my regular task view. This is very frustrating...
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've been meaning to add a link -- we'll fix this up.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've now added a login link to the public list pages.
chadcrowell says:
Beautiful thanks!
biz says:
What is "the public ToDo list"?
Where is the "login link to the public list pages"?
Where is the "login link to the public list pages"?
biz says:
Emily, thanks for the info above. Now for more questions:
Is a search engine the only way someone could find a published list?
Would an RTM member publish a list rather than share it only if someone who needs to see the list is not an RTM member (with whom the list could simply be shared)?
Is a search engine the only way someone could find a published list?
Would an RTM member publish a list rather than share it only if someone who needs to see the list is not an RTM member (with whom the list could simply be shared)?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
biz, it's possible for anyone to see your public lists if they know your username.
We wouldn't recommend making your list public unless you were happy for potentially anyone to view it. If you just want specific people to be able to see the list, it's best to keep the list private and then only share/publish the list for those people (this does require them to signup though, so that this is secure).
We wouldn't recommend making your list public unless you were happy for potentially anyone to view it. If you just want specific people to be able to see the list, it's best to keep the list private and then only share/publish the list for those people (this does require them to signup though, so that this is secure).