Sound alerts for push notifications

chiefsahib says:
Is it possible to configure sound alerts for the new RTM push notifications ?

ziomek.james says:
I second that. BeeJive lets you do it. It kinda defeats the purpose if you cannot set the phone to vibrate or beep when a task is due.
Also, will the push notification work like when I was receiving text alerts? For example will i still get a daily notification of tasks due that day? Or an alert for tasks due in 1 hour?
Please advise.
Thank you.
Also, will the push notification work like when I was receiving text alerts? For example will i still get a daily notification of tasks due that day? Or an alert for tasks due in 1 hour?
Please advise.
Thank you. says:
I joined the multitude of users who grabbed the updated RTM app as soon as it was available. I love the push notifications, and it's great to have swipe back. You did a great job rolling this out, and it seems in a fairly short period of time (Apple's approval period notwithstanding).
My criticism, like many others', is that due to the lack of sounds I need to turn SMS back on. Is there a way for me to enable sounds alongside push notifications, or will we need to request that as a new feature for the software?
My criticism, like many others', is that due to the lack of sounds I need to turn SMS back on. Is there a way for me to enable sounds alongside push notifications, or will we need to request that as a new feature for the software?

(closed account) says:
+1 on the sound notifications. Kind of makes it useless without it.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Unfortunately this is a bug. :(
I've now posted about this in the blog post:
"We have a silly bug in version 1.1.0 that’s preventing the Push Notification alerts from having sound (or vibrating). We’ve fixed this in 1.1.1, which will hopefully be available soon. In the meantime, please feel free to provide your own sound by imitating the device when a notification appears on screen (or if you’re more creative, perhaps making a “moooo” sound?). Sorry everyone!"
I've now posted about this in the blog post:
"We have a silly bug in version 1.1.0 that’s preventing the Push Notification alerts from having sound (or vibrating). We’ve fixed this in 1.1.1, which will hopefully be available soon. In the meantime, please feel free to provide your own sound by imitating the device when a notification appears on screen (or if you’re more creative, perhaps making a “moooo” sound?). Sorry everyone!"

bunchbob says:
I'm in, This would be way better to have this with the notifications. Need some sound says:
Phew! Bugs are way better than total oversights.. Let the update watching begin once again. :)

(closed account) says:
Emily, thanks for being so proactive and honest regarding push.
Also, I'd like to add one vote for customizable sounds, though any sound is better than none at all.
Thanks again for all your hard work, looking forward to seeing the 1.1.1 update soon!
Also, I'd like to add one vote for customizable sounds, though any sound is better than none at all.
Thanks again for all your hard work, looking forward to seeing the 1.1.1 update soon!


Emily & entire RTM team - I second's thanks and bug comment. Customizable sounds would be amazing if possible.

rleshane says:
emily: "...(or if you’re more creative, perhaps making a “moooo” sound?)"
ROFL, +1 for a good solid "Mooooo" clip to be the default sound. You can put any extra development costs under your advertising budget (think of how many people will ask why my iPhone is moooing, and I'll have to tell them all about RTM).
ROFL, +1 for a good solid "Mooooo" clip to be the default sound. You can put any extra development costs under your advertising budget (think of how many people will ask why my iPhone is moooing, and I'll have to tell them all about RTM).

paul.hartfuss says:
Oh yeah, I forgot push can have custom sounds, OMG a Mooo sound would be freakin sweet!! You have got to make that the default sound or at the very least an optional one for us to use!!

jeff.velasquez says:
+1 for "mooo" sound on the alert!

(closed account) says:
Just got the update and still no sounds?

(closed account) says:
Seems to have fixed itself once I changed the sound.

amsivertson says:
Nice! Just activated the feature!
Now - not to be nit-picky....or maybe it's just because I grew up around a lot of cattle farms...but that's not much of a moo sound!
Thanks RTM - keep up the great work!
Now - not to be nit-picky....or maybe it's just because I grew up around a lot of cattle farms...but that's not much of a moo sound!
Thanks RTM - keep up the great work!