Dates on Repeated Events need to change with the date

kristine.ritter says:
Okay, I am brand new, so forgive me if this is obvious. I have a certain number of tasks that I want to do everyday. I have set them up to repeat but I am not sure what to do about due dates. For example, on Monday I want to see "brush fluffy" is due "today", but I also want to see that "brush fluffy" is due "tomorrow "as well. If I chose today as my due date, I do see it in my today list, but not my tomorrow list. Any thoughts?

You can only see one instance of a repeating task at a time. If the repeat is set to "every" (as opposed to "after") you will see the current instance and also overdue tasks (due before now/today), "after" will only let you see one instance at all times.
Maybe you can have several repeating tasks, "Brush Fluffy Monday", "Brusch Fluffy Tuesday" etc.
Maybe you can have several repeating tasks, "Brush Fluffy Monday", "Brusch Fluffy Tuesday" etc.