david.hogg says:
The initial problem I have with this is that when I select the iCal link I get an error message saying that webcal is not a supported protocol. What can I do about that?
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Which program are you using to import iCalendar?
If your program doesn't automatically recognize the link, you might need to copy and paste the link into the program (changing the webcal:// to http://).
If your program doesn't automatically recognize the link, you might need to copy and paste the link into the program (changing the webcal:// to http://).
ricky.webster says:
i have the same trouble. (i am using firefox 1.0.7 on winXP)
david.hogg says:
Thanks, emily, I'll try replacing webcal by http and see what happens. I can't answer the question which program I am using to import iCalendar, I'm afraid. At present I have no idea how to import.
david.hogg says:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Inbox PRODID:-//Remember The Milk//rtm.service.ICal.Export 1.0//EN BEGIN:VTODO DTSTART:20051012T042101Z SUMMARY:british passport UID:07CAAD1F-2A6A-4AA1-838B-7E9AB08E9CBA END:VTODO BEGIN:VTODO DTSTART:20051012T035201Z SUMMARY:shampoo UID:2F5DB42A-E892-48CF-8DE6-DDE6565C076A END:VTODO END:VCALENDAR
The above is the display I get if I replace webcal by http. That doesn't get me very far!
The above is the display I get if I replace webcal by http. That doesn't get me very far!
david.hogg says:
I have now succeeded in establishing a link between RTM and iCal (Sunbird). I'm still experimenting. There are some things I don't understand. I have four tasks in all. Three were posted by e-mail. One using the Add feature of the Personal tab. The e-mailed items show up on Sunbird. But the one added via the Personal tab does not, for some reason.
Also, I haven't understood why the four tasks at present visible (three in the Inbox and one on the Personal tab) do not show up at all when I click Overview.
Also, I haven't understood why the four tasks at present visible (three in the Inbox and one on the Personal tab) do not show up at all when I click Overview.
david.hogg says:
I now understand. No futher problem. At least when going from tasks in RTM to tasks in Sunbird. I'm not sure what happens the other way. In other words, tasks added to Sunbird. Will they automatically show up in RTM?
omar (Remember The Milk) says:
Not yet. ;)
For now, it's a read-only feed so that you can have your tasks in an off-line application, or sync them to your devices, etc.
Read-write feeds are planned for the near future.
For now, it's a read-only feed so that you can have your tasks in an off-line application, or sync them to your devices, etc.
Read-write feeds are planned for the near future.
david.hogg says:
Thanks, omar, I think I now have a comprehensive picture of the whole situation. As for the webcal protocol thing (the error message that keeps telling me webcal is not a recognized protocol), is there any way of making webcal a recognized protocol?
dwefoweb says:
Is this discussion meaning that it might be possible in the near future to sync ical and RTM? Sounds like it's read only currently but there are plans to sync the other way around?
Also... wouldn't this mean that I could then sync my Palm to my iCal and then I'd have a pretty good solution where I could update either my Palm, the web (RTM) or the iCal and they could all stay in sync?
Hope that's something that will be possible.
Sounds as if it's the direction you're headed.
Also... wouldn't this mean that I could then sync my Palm to my iCal and then I'd have a pretty good solution where I could update either my Palm, the web (RTM) or the iCal and they could all stay in sync?
Hope that's something that will be possible.
Sounds as if it's the direction you're headed.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Jeff -- yes, this is what we're working on :)