Contacts in "Shared with contacts" of a list stay "Pendind" forever.
arkadiy8 says:
To recreate:
1. user A creates a list L
2. user A shares list L with user B
3. user B accepts list L
4. user B shares list L with user A.
After these steps, user B should expirience the problem.
1. user A creates a list L
2. user A shares list L with user B
3. user B accepts list L
4. user B shares list L with user A.
After these steps, user B should expirience the problem.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for the report! There seems to be a bug when a list is shared with a user and then shared back again -- we'll fix this. In the meantime, if you'd like us to remove the pending share, please email us at [old address removed] with the usernames and list affected. Thanks!