Emailed tasks not showing up in What's New?
shawny says:
I've emailed myself 5 or 6 tasks now, but note that while they show up in my Inbox, they have never shown on the Overview page's "What's New?" section.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Do you have your Remember The Milk Inbox open in your browser when you email in the tasks?
shawny says:
No, as these are always sent from my Blackberry with my computer off or asleep.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks, we'll investigate this.
shawny says:
As an additional bit of info, I've tried emailing tasks from my Gmail account and an additional account. In both cases I experienced the same problem noted above.
shawny says:
Any progress here? Still not working on my end. Thanks.
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Should be fixed now -- sorry for the delay! Please let us know if you experience any further problems.
shawny says:
I'm afraid not, Emily. I just tried again.
shawny says:
I'm running Firefox 1.5.1 on Windows XP.
shawny says:
Hey, Emily. I'm not sure what you did/changed, but it's working now. Thanks!
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Cool, I'm glad it's working for you!