Difference between Lists and Tags?
jay.kann says:
Can someone explain the difference between putting tasks in lists as opposed to simply tagging them? What do I gain by putting a tag on my task and putting it in a list?
I know the benefits of either option (tags: using tag cloud and lists: group similar tasks). So, I'm not seeing the distinction between the two.
Can someone explain the difference between putting tasks in lists as opposed to simply tagging them? What do I gain by putting a tag on my task and putting it in a list?
I know the benefits of either option (tags: using tag cloud and lists: group similar tasks). So, I'm not seeing the distinction between the two.
jay.kann says:
Thanx, that explains it quite well.
(Sorry, didnt find it initially under search)
(Sorry, didnt find it initially under search)
The forum search is poorly written, so don't apologize. You can search it via google better than you can here, e.g., http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHMP_enUS291US302&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=tags+lists+site:www.rememberthemilk.com/forums/