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yetihead says:
I don't seem to be getting my reminders via twitter. I can add a task, yet any communication back to me is lacking. When I request what is due, no response.


Posted at 11:02pm on January 30, 2009
johl says:
Same problem here. Since Twitter is my favourite reminder method, this makes me sad.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
You can establish an email address to publish to twitter at

Maybe then use that email in RTM ? as a reminder destination ?
Posted 16 years ago
marcel.spitau says:
He? So that everybody sees that I have to do the dishes?!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Oh yea.............
Posted 16 years ago
johl says:
Any news on Twitter reminders?
Posted 16 years ago
pastor.cheatham says:
I'm having the same issue. I just set this up Saturday and am testing it out. I can D rtm tasks TO rtm from my twitter account or cellphone but when I request a !getlist to be sent back to me, nothing happens. I get no direct messages back.

I went into my rtm account and turned off my cellphone as a reminder device since I wanted everything to just go through Twitter direct message thinking that might be the problem but I'm still not getting any messages back from RTM.

Posted 16 years ago
petrolhead360 says:
Haven't received RTM reminders either via e-mail or Twitter for months.
I thought the site had closed.
Just checked that my settings were still there and nothing had changed.

Is it something to do with not visiting this site regularly?
has this been happening to other users of RTM?
Posted 16 years ago
pastor.cheatham says:
It would appear the site itself is working. My settings are both on as well. I just sent a few tasks to RTM today and they are there in my inbox like they are supposed to be. It's only when you ask for a list or something should be sent to you...that it's not working.
Posted 16 years ago
jackburnt says:
I'm having the same issue. I can add tasks, but the tasks aren't being sent from Twitter to me. I checked Direct Messages in Twitter and none of the tasks are listed. So the problem is somewhere between RTM and Twitter.
Posted 16 years ago
koryvm says:
I'm not getting Twitter messages either. I'm able to send tasks via Twitter but RTM isn't reminding me of current tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Would it be possible to submit a Twitter issue report via our support system, if you're still experiencing this problem?

We'd love to check this out. There was recently a temporary issue on the Twitter side that may have affected some users, but it looks to be fixed now.

Thanks! :)
Posted 16 years ago
jackburnt says:
I submitted an issue report but haven't heard anything. Hopefully they'll have it fixed soon.

I just don't see any messages in my Direct Message box. So it's not even getting to Twitter.

I just tried to send me a reminder and it's still not working.
Posted 16 years ago
hightechdad says:
Confirmed that I can send in tasks via twitter that show up but there are no interactions working (like "d rtm !help" or "d rtm !tips"). Wonder if it is a Twitter issue or a RTM issue.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I can't even send tasks from Twitter. Hasn't been working for months.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
oopsies, tasks are now appearing in my inbox :)
Posted 16 years ago
yetihead says:
I submitted an issue report to Twitter today.

I will share anything I hear.

Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've investigated this further, and have found that for some direct messages that we're sending to Twitter's system, the Twitter API is experiencing a problem and not successfully delivering the message.

We've reported the issue to the Twitter folks, so hopefully they'll be able to get things working again soon.
Posted 16 years ago
pastor.cheatham says:
Just an FYI. I was able to get lists for the first time on Tuesday. Since then though, I've had no luck. :(
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Just wanted to update, unfortunately we haven't heard anything back from the Twitter folks about this issue yet. :(
Posted 16 years ago
audiosmith says:
I'm having a similar issue - Twitter receives and forwards the "d rtm" messages fine, they just won't show up in my milk list
Posted 16 years ago
huntsterunc says:
I tried to send reminders to rtm via twitter a few days ago. didnt work. Read this post and sighed. 2 mins ago...they all came floodin in like a bunch a banshees.

So I assume it is working now?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm able to post tasks to RTM via twitter, but I'm not receiving confirmations back from the twitter rtm account.

This is a bit maddening, because I never know if my quickly-added task made it through to my Inbox or not...
Posted 16 years ago
huntsterunc says:
And I think its back down again...
Posted 16 years ago
huntsterunc says:
Scratch that...I'm with @bighaugs. They're making it thru...but no confirmation.
Posted 16 years ago
ahobgood says:
Trying to add twitter as a service right now, and can't seem to get rtm to follow me, so I can't even send the d message.
Posted 16 years ago
pastor.cheatham says:
still having issues on my end. I haven't gotten a list in a week or more. Also, my reminders from RTM aren't sending thru Twitter either?
Posted 16 years ago
koryvm says:
Still having problems here too. I'm going to try to unfollow @rtm then refollow and see if that'll help.
Posted 16 years ago
krissy says:
As far as I'm aware the Twitter problems that Emily mentioned above are still an issue. We're waiting on advice from Twitter as to when everyone will get reminders etc.
Thanks for your patience!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm now receiving reminders again. Problem... fixed?
Posted 16 years ago
spookypeanut says:
Not for me, I'm still not getting them. I've had one in the entire time I've been using rtm. Really would like them...
Posted 16 years ago
oleg.ufaev says:
>ahobgood says: Trying to add twitter as a service right now, and can't seem to get rtm to follow me, so I can't even send the d message.

I have a same problem.
Posted 16 years ago
mavenman says:
I am having the same issue. I am unable to begin getting updates due to rtm not following me. I have cleared cache, unfollowed and refollowed rtm countless times with the same result "rtm is not following you" when I try to DM rtm.

Thanks RTM staff to your continued effort in resolving this issue.
Posted 16 years ago
wongtam says:
I can add tasks and receive daily reminders, but when I do !getlist I don't get a reply.
Posted 16 years ago
penmonkey says:
I am having the same problems. I can direct message tasks to my inbox but can't reminders via the direct message commands.
Posted 16 years ago
hippyjim.starbrook says:
same problem here as ahobgood, oleg & mavenman. I can't even get started because I can't send the confirmation code by DM, as RTM is not following me.

looks like this issue is still going on - now, let's hope it's not something stoopid like RTM hitting the api limit......
Posted 16 years ago
oddparity says:
I also can't get started as rtm is not following me and I can't send the confirmation code. Unfollow/refollow doesn't help, nor does deleting and starting over. Wasn't working before the weekend, still isn't working now.
Posted 15 years ago
deimoss says:
Same problem with rtm not following me
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Same problem here, I emailed Twitter support to clear my cache, but they haven't responded yet. Clearing the cache was the recommended fix somewhere here in the forums.
Posted 15 years ago
tehstupid says:
same problem. not sure if it's a cache problem since i just signed up and stopped receiving after 3 messages.
Posted 15 years ago
chiieddy says:
I'm having the same problem. They just stopped on 2/7. I submitted a help request.
Posted 15 years ago
tjnelsonjr says:
add me to the list. i can dm to-dos but reminders are not coming in.
Posted 15 years ago
krissy says:
Hi all,

The Twitter issue mentioned above by Emily is still causing problems.
Posted 15 years ago
chiieddy says:
I received an answer that RTM knows there's an issue and they're working on it, but no ETA on a fix.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm assuming that when the problem is fixed we'll be told somehow via Twitter?
Posted 15 years ago
spookypeanut says:
Three weeks and no news? Shame. This is one of the features that made rtm stand out from other services, but if it's not there...
Posted 15 years ago
kim.caloca says:
Aaaahhhh! still nada. I was setting up Locale with my G1 to do beautiful things with this feature, such as get my Target list for me when I'm near my local Target, but RTM is not responding to my tweets. :(

please make it work, pleeeeease?
Posted 15 years ago
tclutterbuck says:
still no news?
Posted 15 years ago
tclutterbuck says:
now that sms have been turned back on in the UK (on vodafone) it would be REALLY useful to get reminders...
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Unfortunately this is still an issue on Twitter's end -- we're waiting on a resolution for this. :(
Posted 15 years ago
pastor.cheatham says:
Thanks Emily for the updates. I wish Twitter would do something. It would seem not a big deal for them. I get direct messages from my Twitter followers (of which you are one of course) but no direct messages back when I ask for lists here.

4/14/09 Still no luck yet :(
Posted 15 years ago
sushistudios says:
I'm glad you guys let us test the service before actually paying: I was THIS CLOSE to buy a whole year when I found that I cannot use it with twitter! I'm one of those folks that still miss Sandy and RTW worked great so far.

Thinking if I should spend in a PRO account when I cannot use it with twitter..mmmmmm
Posted 15 years ago
sushistudios says:
Well, WHY WON'T WE DEMAND twitter to help RTM folks on this one uh? tweet them to let them know:
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The original issue in this topic was resolved (thanks Twitter!), but unfortunately was followed by another issue (posted about in this status blog post).

The new issue has now been resolved too. Direct messages and reminders are working again (apparently we were hitting some Twitter limits thanks to our volume of direct messages — whoops! :) Thanks to the Twitter guys for their help in resolving this issue.

If anyone continues to experience problems, please let us know.

Posted 15 years ago
sushistudios says:
I just sent a support request, I'm still having the same issue! the issue may be coming again???? or its just me? can post to my RTM account through twitter, but can't even get the verification code!


Posted 15 years ago
the_letter_e says:
It's not working for me - I can send tasks, but I don't receive anything.
Posted 15 years ago
johl says:
It was briefly working, now I don't get any reminders through Twitter anymore...
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I tried to send "d rtm !tips" and am getting nothing back.

However, "d rtm do task wednesday" works just fine.
Posted 15 years ago
irwinsg says:
same problem with getting rtm to follow me, I can't even get set up so I can have real problems.
Posted 15 years ago
nwedennisk says:
I'm having the same problem as irwinsg... can't get RTM to follow me, so I can't get set up. Is this twitter or rtm with the issue?
Posted 15 years ago
sushistudios says:
So this won't work again I believe; it's a shame.
Posted 15 years ago
nwedennisk says:
RTM is now following me on Twitter, and I am able to post tweets to RTM...

HOWEVER, when I specifiy a due date as in "License renewal due 12/2/2009", RTM does not pick up the due date. The RTM instructions for using Twitter seem to indicate that this due date should be picked up. Does anybody have any insight as to why this is not working?
Posted 15 years ago
nobumtd says:
I can "d rtm tasks " to rtm from my twitter account,
but when I request a " !getlist " , nothing happens.
I get no direct messages back.
I cannot get reminder via twitter too.
Posted 15 years ago
del.bigger says:
Try this: d rtm License renewal due dec 02
Posted 15 years ago
hydra12 says:
I can't get rtm to follow me on twitter, either. Anybody know how to fix this?
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
As of right now, we're not detecting any issues with Twitter (not too sure how long that'll last for though :) -- so if you're experiencing a problem, please submit a Twitter issue report via our support system and we'll check it out.

Posted 15 years ago
hydra12 says:
OK, I finally got rtm to follow me on twitter. I can add tasks with no problems, but when I send commands, nothing happens. I tried

d rtm !today, and I never got a response. Is there any way to fix this?
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Apparently it lasted less than 24 hours. :(

There is again a problem with the Twitter API -- I've posted about this on the status blog. We're waiting on the Twitter folks to fix this -- hopefully it'll be working again soon.
Posted 15 years ago
marcbetts says:
This seems to have started working again for me today. Hopefully it will last.
Posted 15 years ago
ndoto says:
Just got a proper reminder from @rtm on Twitter for the first time EVER. Really hope this is fixed...!
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Things appear to be fixed on Twitter's end again; as of right now, we're not detecting any issues with Twitter.

As always, if you experience any issues, please submit a Twitter issue report via our support system and we'll check it out.

Posted 15 years ago
yetihead says:
So far so good....all seems to be working. Thanks for all the help
Posted 15 years ago
This topic has now been closed automatically due to a lack of responses in the past 90 days.