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Tasks in Google Calendar?

tim.sally says:

I was wondering if there is a way to automatically make certain events in Google Calendar a task. For example, if I have a calendar I use for all my assignments and exams, I'd like to autmoatically lable all of these.


Posted at 2:51am on January 23, 2009
arvid says:
Hi tim,

with the current functionalities this is not possible. You can however do it the other way around. By adding a task to RTM that is send to GCal;
Posted 16 years ago
mikearndt says:
This doesn't seem to be working for me. I activated private addresses, selected a list and cut-and-pasted the iCaldenar events URL into the add-url section of Google Calendars. None of my tasks show up. Am I missing something here?
Posted 16 years ago
mikearndt says:
Now I get an error that says "could not fetch URL".
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi mikearndt,

it is known that Google Calendar sometimes has issues retrieving URLs, would you be able to try it again at a later time?

Posted 16 years ago
ccthiel says:
This is also not working for me. I've tried pasting the iCal link and the iCal (events) link - neither one is showing up in google calendar. They both work just fine when subscribing through iCal, though.
Posted 16 years ago
uncletoddy says:
I was able to successfully add icalendar events to google cal yesterday, but today none of the tasks I'm entering in RTM are showing up in google calendar.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
it takes a while for google calendar to "read" the feeds that go into it, this is a commmon complaint. try after 3-5 hours, it should be there.
Posted 16 years ago
aron.grinshtein says:
Ditto. Having the same problem. I tried pasting the atom feed into google calendar, no dice. I couldnt see tasks when I put an RTM cal into gcal either, it just showed me those checks.

Any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago
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