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Help deciding between RTM and Toodledo

(closed account) says:
I really like the UI of RTM. I am using RTM's iPhone app during the trial period. The other day I was doing some errands and decide to check my iPhone and then I realized that I was "forgetting the milk". So it is really important to have your to-do lists t your finger tips.

Toodledo is definetly easier to use and set up, and all those import x export options are impressive. I haven't tried the iPhone app ($3.99) yet, but I figure it should be similar to the FireFox sidebar (which, by the way is an awesome feature). Toodledo also has a free web based app for the iPhone which is exactly like the FireFox side bar. (free)

Now RTM also has a web based iPhone app which is free, but just fades in comparison to the equivalent in Toodledo.

If only RTM had a different price option for the iPhone app, I would be sold, but it is hard to beat such a good service that Toodledo offers for free.

So, I was wondering if you guys could share your reasons for using RMT instead of something else. Specially with the iPhone.

Posted at 4:52am on December 18, 2008
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