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RTM has vanished from Gmail

djpblog says:

2 days ago RTM vanished from my GMail. At the same time that it vanished so did the customizations I made via the "Integrated GMail" extension. I am figuring it must be another extension conflict, but I am wondering if anyone else is having similar problems before I go through the process of elimination to determine just what extension is giving me the problem.
Posted at 8:47pm on December 10, 2008
djpblog says:
Looks like a conflict with the "Integrated GMail" extension. I disabled it and RTM came back. Can't live without the RTM Extension and the new GMail Tasks is pretty useless as it is right now. I went PRO for the iPhone app.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I lost my RTM too recently and I hadn't added any new things. I have just enabled the gadget but I'm not too impressed. What would going pro do for me?
Posted 16 years ago
john.busteed says:
I have also had RTM for Gmail disappear (1.0.3 and 1.0.4) on two machines (home and work) 3.0.4 Firefox on Mac OS X 10.5.5 and 10.5.6.

No new extensions that I can recall.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hi, I'm having the same issue, my RTM sidebar in Gmail is gone. Please help. Thank you for such a great service. BTW, RTM is better than Gmail's new task feature. Keep up the good work.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
The problem i'm having started 3 days ago, after always working fine before.

The RTM panel shows up, but it has no tasks. If i log out and then log back in to RTM then my tasks show up. Next time i start gmail (not the browser) it again says "no tasks".

AFAIK i haven't updated FF3 or any extensions in the past 3-4 days. I have a couple of google labs themes enabled, and Better Gmail and Noscript... but i haven't changed those between when it was working and when it stopped. I'll try disabling them if i get the chance...
Posted 16 years ago
liam.getreu says:
The same thing has happened to me... I haven't added or removed any extensions, so I can't really understand what happened.

Posted 16 years ago
liam.getreu says:
Ignore me... I figured it out by running through the troubleshooting...
Posted 16 years ago
pavesina says:
RTM disappeared from Gmail after I updated to 1.0.4
Posted 16 years ago
pikamookie says:
i can't get the extension to show up in gmail....weird. running the latest and greatest firefox and the ext.
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
pikamookie and pavesina,

could you please submit a support request? We can then look into this.

Posted 16 years ago
kazemizuhi says:
I'm in the same boat.

Gmail Labs = Fail?
Posted 16 years ago
krissy says:
Hi All,

As Arvid mentioned above if you're having problems please feel free to submit a support request so we can research the issue.

Posted 16 years ago
boster says:
I have been having this problem sporadically lately. Today RTM was not showing up at all in Gmail/Firefox 3.06.

I just disabled RTM in Firefox and restarted FF. Then I re-enabled RTM and again restarted FF. RTM is back.

This may be a temporarily solution, but I'm happier for the time being.
Posted 16 years ago
brian.gershon says:
I think this may be related to some changes in GMail about 3 days ago. I notice some new buttons along the top, etc.

I hadn't changed any FF or GMail settings in awhile, and star'ing emails is no longer creating RTM tasks. The features along the right work fine -- just not able to star emails and create new RTM tasks.

Running FF 3.0.5 OSX. Just today updated to 3.0.6 and no change.

I tried disable -> restart -> enable -> restart of the plugin and no dice yet. Ran through the FAQ as well.
Posted 15 years ago
arvid says:
Hey guys,

this issue should have been fixed now. Google rolled out a new version of Gmail’s code (again), and their code changes can affect parts of RTM for Gmail’s functionality. We’ve now updated the feature to use the new code (you may need to clear your cache and restart your browser if reloading Gmail doesn’t fix it).

We’ve set up a new status page to keep track of all the different versions of Gmail’s code (and whether or not we’re supporting them yet). If you encounter issues with this feature in the future, please check this page to find out if your Gmail version is supported, and how to let us know if it’s not supported yet.

Status page:
Posted 15 years ago
rusharound says:
Whoo-hooo! Soooo much better. Satisfied sigh.
Posted 15 years ago
brian.gershon says:
Nice work, it's great to have this working again! Thanks for new status page too.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I emptied my cache and restarted firefox, but I'm still having problems. I have the "right-side chat" option enabled in Labs. Does anyone have the RTM extension work along with right side chat?
Posted 15 years ago
scott.coulter says:
I have two gmail accounts. One in google apps for work and a personal account.

I have found that the extension "jumps" from one account to the other. If I have google apps open for email, but i open a window in my personal google account to use reader or Picasa (the main reason I keep the personal account), RTM's extension will jump to the personal account and start working on the gmail window there.

I have now enabled the RTM gadget as a custom gadget in my google apps and realize that the cool extension will only stay in my personal account's window. Very frustrating.
Posted 15 years ago
boaglio says:
great job guys, RTM rocks, I love it ! =)
Posted 15 years ago
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