Moving tasks

jiri.fencl says:
I accidentaly moved task to the same list it was already in. RTM created new list with same name that I had problems deleting. But I somehow got rid of it after next login...

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hmm, it should say 'You can't move tasks to a list they're already in...' if you move a task like that.
Was the list a new list, or one that had any actions performed on it recently (such as archiving or deleting)?
Was the list a new list, or one that had any actions performed on it recently (such as archiving or deleting)?

jiri.fencl says:
It was not a new list, I think it had 3 or 4 items in it. And no deleting nor archiving was done with this list.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
It may have been related to some changes we made recently -- please let us know if you see anything like this happen again.