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RTM doesn't work on my work PC with IE7

dblanc says:
When I try to update a task RTM just hangs with the updating circle forever turning. When I try to click on a different tab RTM just kicks me back to the Overview page.

I tried the https site, added RTM to trusted sites for security, cleared my cache, and have restarted and logged in several times -- all without success.

Can anyone help me get RTM to work at work on IE7?
Posted at 5:51pm on August 29, 2008
kenneth.s.becker says:
Try disabling Google Gears.
Posted 16 years ago
dblanc says:
I don't use Google Gears at work.

Maybe this will help people figure out my problem: When I log in to RTM with IE 6 on my work laptop at home it works -- until I sign on to my work VPN network. Only when I then sign in to the https RTM site does the site again work properly (i.e., allowing me to add and update tasks, etc.).

As I said above, I cannot get RTM to update tasks on computers at work, which run IE 7.
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi dblanc,

let me summarize the problem you are seeing;

IE7 at your work laptop works but as soon as you fire-up your VPN connection, RTM stops working like it should be working. Can you tell me whether IE 6/IE7 at home works?

IE6 at work with either a VPN connection or direct office connection, does that work?

Can you please let me know whether the settings in IE7 change as soon as you fire-up your VPN? Is a proxy added or exceptions?

Thanks for letting me know,

Posted 16 years ago
dblanc says:
At work I have to use IE 7. Its a direct connection with a proxy. I cannot get RTM work.

At home on a work laptop I still have IE 6. RTM works until I log onto my work VPN. Then when I switch to the https RTM site it works again.

I would love to figure this out

Posted 16 years ago
dblanc says:
Correction: At work I have to use IE7, but there is not a forced proxy. There is a firewall, however.
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi both,

please check your emails. One of our engineers is having a look at it.


Posted 16 years ago
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