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"Every month on the 1th" does not work

reneoertel says:
If I use "Every month on the 1th" it will not be accepted by RTM. It says "Jeden Montag" (every Monday).

Is there a solution for my problem?
Posted at 11:30am on August 27, 2008
(closed account) says:
Do you mean the 1st? if so that is the issue. . . sorry if I am missing the point though!
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi Reneoertel,

try the following;
every month on the 1st

You type 1th whereas the correct formatting is 1st

Let me know whether this worked for you.

Posted 16 years ago
reneoertel says:
Also "every month on the 1st" it does not accept. Instead he shows "every Monday"
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi Rene,

I did a copy-and-paste from the FAQ doc and made the following screenshots;

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

As you can see, RTM accepts this. Can you please check also in a different browser? What is the language setting you have set in RTM settings? If that is German, can you please change it to English and try it again?


Posted 16 years ago
reneoertel says:
Great, with english it works! For me it would be better with german but i can manage it. Thanks
Posted 16 years ago
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