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unselecting a first task when selecting a new task

(closed account) says:
hello, this has been bugging me for a while and i've be unable to figure it out.

my problem is that when i select a first task, and then i select another task, the first task remains checked.

that is, when i select the second task, both the first and second tasks are checked. each time i have to manually un-check the first task.

is there some settings or key stroke that would prevent the first task from remaining checked?

thanks in advance

Posted at 2:34pm on August 25, 2008
apgordon says:
Yeah, this is buggin' a lot of people.

At the moment, I don't know of a way to get around it. Keep in mind that 'n' deselects all, though. Hopefully RTM will offer a solution for this soon! ;)

Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi xixer,

the only option you can utilize at the moment is to use the shortcuts on your keyboard to quickly deselect the current task. For keyboard shortcuts please visit the FAQ page.


Posted 16 years ago
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