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Major Problems Inputting Items

dmccall says:
Over the past few days I've run into major problems adding tasks. When I hit Enter, RTM shows the throbber graphic endlessly, and the task is not added. When I send tasks via email, they aren't showing up in the Inbox. This is happening regardless of browser or computer.

I've submitted a report which has apparently gone ignored. Are any of you having these problems? I am new to RTM, and if this is something that occurs very often, I will have to seek another method of managing my todos.
Posted at 6:20pm on August 16, 2008
(closed account) says:
I also see the throbber graphic endlessly when trying to add a task. In addition, my "Inbox" tab is blue and says "Searched for: " on it.

Not sure how to fix this. I submitted it to RTM earlier today.
Posted 16 years ago
dmccall says:
I'm now on Day 4 of this problem. The only way I am able to add a task is by using the iPhone. Not even my Inbox email address is working to receive new tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
dmccall says:
I've figured out A way to input new items: by clicking Add Task while viewing the Tasks tab. The system behaves normally in this case. I am not able to add a task when viewing a smart list result or a quick display from my tag cloud.

Also, I am not able to move items from the Inbox to the Tasks List.
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
There seems to be an unusual issue only affecting Firefox 3 that is allowing the Inbox to be modified (as a Smart List might be), even though the Inbox should be locked and unmodifiable. I'm not too sure what's changed with Firefox that's allowing this to happen, but we're looking into this further.

(For dmccall and jwinston2, we have fixed your Inbox lists that were affected by this issue.)

If anyone else runs across this issue, please submit an issue report.

Posted 16 years ago
dki says:
Getting the throbber on my iphone as well. :(
Posted 16 years ago
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