
aargre says:
What does archiving supposed to do? I archived my list but i still receive reminders by gtalk and twitter. is this supposed to be happening? What i want is to keep the list but i don't want to be reminded about it anywhere.

Hi Aargre,
Archiving a list allows you to remove a list from display in your tabs (without deleting the list). To archive a list:
1. Click on Settings at the top of the page.
2. Click on the Lists tab.
3. Select the list(s) that you wish to archive.
4. Click Archive.
The selected list(s) will be archived, and will no longer appear in your tabs.
So when you have tasks in this list, they will still send reminders as only the list is hidden from the tabs.
Archiving a list allows you to remove a list from display in your tabs (without deleting the list). To archive a list:
1. Click on Settings at the top of the page.
2. Click on the Lists tab.
3. Select the list(s) that you wish to archive.
4. Click Archive.
The selected list(s) will be archived, and will no longer appear in your tabs.
So when you have tasks in this list, they will still send reminders as only the list is hidden from the tabs.

apgordon says:
To archive tasks in a smart list, would I just have to move those tasks into a solid list (gray background, not blue)?