identify author of a task

Hi Tobias,
that is indeed possible.
When you receive a task, in the task details, you will see the following;
"Sent from:"
With the full name of the person that sent you the task.
You can create a smartlist for this or do an advanced search and use one the following criteria;
- isShared: Used to specify whether a task is shared.
- isShared:true Tasks that are shared with someone.
- sharedWith: Used to specify who a task is shared with.
- sharedWith:bobtmonkey Tasks that are shared with user bobtmonkey.
- isReceived: Used to specify whether a task has been received.
- isReceived:true Tasks that have been received from someone.
- to: Used to specify who a task has been sent to.
- to:bobtmonkey Tasks that have been sent to bobtmonkey.
- from: Used to specify who a task has been received from.
- from:bobtmonkey Tasks that have been received from bobtmonkey.
For more search criteria, you can look at the following FAQ-page.
To be able to send tasks to somebody, he/she has to add you to his/her address book.
Please let me know whether this has solved your question.
that is indeed possible.
When you receive a task, in the task details, you will see the following;
"Sent from:"
With the full name of the person that sent you the task.
You can create a smartlist for this or do an advanced search and use one the following criteria;
- isShared: Used to specify whether a task is shared.
- isShared:true Tasks that are shared with someone.
- sharedWith: Used to specify who a task is shared with.
- sharedWith:bobtmonkey Tasks that are shared with user bobtmonkey.
- isReceived: Used to specify whether a task has been received.
- isReceived:true Tasks that have been received from someone.
- to: Used to specify who a task has been sent to.
- to:bobtmonkey Tasks that have been sent to bobtmonkey.
- from: Used to specify who a task has been received from.
- from:bobtmonkey Tasks that have been received from bobtmonkey.
For more search criteria, you can look at the following FAQ-page.
To be able to send tasks to somebody, he/she has to add you to his/her address book.
Please let me know whether this has solved your question.