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Active Desktop Popup Problem. Please Help!

gkumar says:

After reading the RTM blog post linked to
I tried doing setting Active Desktop on my desktop with the netvibes link (

When Active Desktop is enabled, every 5 seconds, a new firefox (Firefox 3 is my default browser) tab is opened to:

So when I wake in the morning, I see easily over hundreds of tabs and causes my PC to slow down. How do you stop this automatic opening of tabs from Active Desktop? This does not happen at work which has the same browser configuration.

Posted at 3:48am on July 29, 2008
gkumar says:
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi Ganesh,

apologies, missed your forum post. Do you have FF set as default browser at home?


Posted 16 years ago
gkumar says:
Yes I do. Both at work and home.
Posted 16 years ago
gkumar says:
Does the default browser cause pop ups? if so, how come it does at home and not at work?
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hey Ganesh,

We're not able to support embedding the Netvibes module in Active Desktop, sorry (it works specifically to support Netvibes).

However, the iGoogle gadget should work fine in Active Desktop.

Hope this helps!
Posted 16 years ago
gkumar says:
thanks for the reply. I tried using the iGoogle gadget originally with the URL:

However in both work and home computers when I try to click on an action like postpone from the drop down menu, it opens a new pop up window with a javascript action in the URL that obviously leads to a "Page Not Found Error".

However with the netvibes URL:
The actions like postpone, edit, etc. work properly on both work and home computer. However with this URL as previously described, pop ups occur every 5 seconds on home computer.

Can a fix be done to either suppress the popups on Netvibes module or to support actions in iGoogle gadget?

If you look at the comments here:

A lot of people are using the Netvibes module instead of the mentioned IGoogle gadget because of the Javascript popups.

Please advise on how to either fix the neverending Netvibes popup or support Javascript actions in IGoogle gadget.
Posted 16 years ago
gkumar says:
Posted 16 years ago
arvid says:
Hi Gkumar,

I am trying to reproduce this. Could you share with me your settings and software versions? As I am unable to reproduce it at the moment.


Posted 16 years ago
gkumar says:
Hi Arvid. I have IE 6.0 installed on both home and work machines. Both are running Win XP with SP2 installed on work machine and SP3 installed on home machine. Please contact me at gkumar [at] gmail [period] com to discuss further.
Posted 16 years ago
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