never due tasks

(closed account) says:
Is it possible to have tasks that don't have a due date to show up on the 'due today' tab in the overview view? it'd be nice to see all the ongoing tasks, because those tasks would be things that I would potentially do today.

aaronhh says:
I solved that problem by having all of the other tasks that I need to do this week being due on Saturday or Sunday so that they still appear at the end of my print out. If I ever start having things due on Saturday or Sunday, I might want to change my strategy to something different. But you are right that we should not have to implement a work around if we want tasks without due dates to appear on the overview screen and printout.
Although, I would like to point out, that it seems obvious to me that RTM was intended for every task that you want to work on within the next week to have a due date within the next week. I differentiate events from tasks I want to work on this week by giving all of my events the tag word "event". But, it would be nice if RTM would implement a way to differentiate a task that I want to work on today, from an event that will occur today.
Although, I would like to point out, that it seems obvious to me that RTM was intended for every task that you want to work on within the next week to have a due date within the next week. I differentiate events from tasks I want to work on this week by giving all of my events the tag word "event". But, it would be nice if RTM would implement a way to differentiate a task that I want to work on today, from an event that will occur today.

aaronhh says:
However, I should also point out that RTM only has three people working on new code (if you include Bob T. Monkey), and they appear to be devoting all of their time to what they consider to be bigger and more exciting bells and whistles like compatibility with smart phones. Little boring things like adding increased listing capabilities and printing capabilities to the overview screen don't seem to be high on their priority list. Am I right, Emily? :-D ;-)

aaronhh says:
The overview is awesome if you give everything important a due date, because you can print out your whole week all in one step and have a life saving paper copy in your back pocket for when technology is either unavailable or inevitably malfunctioning. I actually think that this was the way that RTM was intended to be used. I can seriously imagine Emily, Omar, and B. T. M. printing their updated list from the overview screen every morning so they don't waste time fooling with technology during the day when they need to check right quick to see what to work on next. Am I right Emily? :-D ;-)