adding contact to task on BB

dling1971 says:
I know you can add a contact to a task in RTM but can you add a contact on the BB side?

aaronhh says:
What does BB stand for?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
BlackBerry :)
dling1971, sorry this isn't possible (we're syncing with the Tasks app on the BlackBerry, which I don't think supports associating contacts with tasks).
dling1971, sorry this isn't possible (we're syncing with the Tasks app on the BlackBerry, which I don't think supports associating contacts with tasks).

aaronhh says:
I say, forget fooling with the smart phones. Just print out your schedule at the beginning of the day and then use good ole pen and paper throughout the day so that you are spending most of your time being productive instead of spending much of your time organizing your organization. hehe