Inverting The Inbox

rafiki.cai says:
Currently my Inbox is listing tasks, with the latest task being placed at the bottom of the list.
I would like to reverse that, and have the latest added task show at the top.
How can I achieve this.
(Hopefully I will receive an email, if some one responds to this post.)
I would like to reverse that, and have the latest added task show at the top.
How can I achieve this.
(Hopefully I will receive an email, if some one responds to this post.)

frankathl says:
What sort criterion are you using? Due Date should list your Inbox from 'overdue/today' at the top to 'never' at the bottom.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
rafiki.cai, this ordering isn't possible, sorry.
(It's only possible to sort by due date, priority, or task name, but not to change where the task is added.)
(It's only possible to sort by due date, priority, or task name, but not to change where the task is added.)

tummytemple says:
Hey Fik.... I was just thinking of you...found your special ilrk domain via google images...then found you here via the images and "boom boom boom" may have spiritually led me to this site. I have been searching out an opensource solution to manage our call log B2B and this may be it:O) Cheers and hope all is well. Sorry I can't help you with sorting your tasks:o(

tummytemple says:
sorry...irlc domain.

tummytemple says:
dote! ilrc domain.