Adding tags via twitter

(closed account) says:
Is there a way to add tags when you DM you task into RTM? Another service (iwantsandy) allows tag addition in the task declaration:
d s Go to store to pick up milk @errand @sms @email @twitter
@errand puts it in your errands list
@sms, @email, @twitter will send you a reminder via these services
If not a feature, that would be a nice one to add. The same could be said for locations as well.
d s Go to store to pick up milk @errand @sms @email @twitter
@errand puts it in your errands list
@sms, @email, @twitter will send you a reminder via these services
If not a feature, that would be a nice one to add. The same could be said for locations as well.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Not currently, sorry! We are looking at supporting additional task properties when adding via methods such as Twitter, though.