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iGoogle Gadget Heading

joel.schuman says:
The list in my iGoogle RTM gadget has the heading "MOBILE_HEADING_TODAY" which takes up most of the allotted column. Where does this come from and how do I get rid of it?
Posted at 2:11pm on January 28, 2008
joel.schuman says:
yoohoo, anyone there?
Posted 17 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Joel, I've just followed up with you via email again -- as I mentioned earlier, it seems as though something (either on your computer, or related to your Internet connection) is blocking the files from loading correctly.

If clearing the cache doesn't help, it could be security or anti-virus software that is blocking RTM -- in this case, adding as an exception in any such software may help.

Hope this helps!
Posted 17 years ago
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