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Research Project Help: Share Your Lists

denero says:

I work in Natural Language Processing (NLP), and I'm also in love with Remember the Milk. I have some ideas of fun projects involving to-do lists, like automatically clustering to-dos, predicting tags, predicting which list a to-do should go in, predicting what to-dos someone will add next (autocompleting), trying to understand what it is the person is trying to do, etc. But, to try any of these ideas, I need to collect lots of example to-dos to train statistical models. That's where you, the RTM community, could help me a lot.

If you're interested in helping, please publish any and all lists for the RTM user named "nlp". Specifically,

1) Follow the instructions for publishing a list for another user.

- Find a list you want to share, but don't select any to-dos
- Click on the 'Publish' tab.
- Select 'Publish for contact(s)' and press the button.
- Click "Add Contact" and add "nlp".
- Select your new "NLP Project" contact.
- Press the "Publish" button at the top of the page.

Official (but out of date) version:

2) Send me an email at with your Remember the Milk user name (or post it here). I'll need this to find the list you've published for me. But, I'll make sure to anonymize it as soon as I download the list data.

Note that sharing your lists in this way won't allow me to edit them (good for you), but will allow me to see your incomplete and completed todos (good for me) and see new todos that you create later (also good for me). If at any time you don't want me to look at your list anymore, you can simply unpublish it. Furthermore, if you want me to delete your todos from the dataset at any time, I will happily comply.

I know that sharing your lists with strangers has privacy implications, but I don't know how else to get the data. So, if it helps, I promise that I won't be snooping into your personal data, trying to figure out who you are, or anything malicious like that. All the computation I'll do with your todo list will be fully anonymized. Furthermore, I will never try to republish or release this dataset without your *explicit* consent, and I'll only show the anonymized data to the people I'm directly working with on related projects. I hope that's enough to ease any privacy worries.

Thanks very much for your help!

John DeNero, fellow RTM enthusiast
UC Berkeley PhD candidate, Natural Language Processing
Posted at 7:28pm on January 17, 2008
adrewitz says:
Posted 17 years ago
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